Oh man, not them again.

13 1 3

Chap 3

2 Days have gone since my Dad took his life, i didn't go to school nor talk to anyone besides my brother of course. I can't stand him.
How could he?
But he's still my brother, so i can't do shit about it anyway. He's the only Member of my family, that's still left.
I won't go to school this week, and after this i have the summer break. At least i wont get to see their disgusting faces anymore.
I sat home all day, lost in thoughts.

Finally, summer break.
I still am really hurt from the things that have happened the last few days, I didn't eat much, go outside or do anything healthy. I should definitely try doing something productive. I've had enough of all this depressing shit, cause i knew that i have to make changes, go on and do something in order to get better. I decided to eat healthier, and sign up for military. Yeah, im still really weak. But i'll take the time to work out, a lot, a lot and a lot. I have nothing to lose anyway, so i'd like to die doing something good for a last time.


I shortened this so i wont tell much about the summer break, I'll get straight to after it.
alr continue reading from here:
1 day till summer break ends. I am now 17, going to eleventh grade. 10th grade really wasn't it for me.
My muscles have got bigger, much bigger, and im starting to see differences. I used to have skinny noodle likely arms, but now my body has been changing, and not just that. I started learning boxing and other sports, in order to fight.

I still think about my Fathers death of course, but just with the difference that i have been working on myself. I guess i still have to continue going, since that wasn't the end of my miserable life.

School started now, to be honest, I didn't want to see the bastards of my class. I can't even think of them without being disgusted, their voice, appearance, their presence, everything about them makes me uncomfortable. I was just wishing the class was different, without Kyle, that bastard, and without his friends. I wish it went different, i had my fun with them, they sometimes distracted me from all the things, without even noticing. But i was wrong about them all the time?

As soon as i stepped foot in this school, i saw everyone staring, it's either because of how i look now, or because they all know what has happened at home. I walked by and didn't even bother looking once, when i suddenly heard his voice. There he was, all happy and laughing, as if he never did anything. Knowing i'd die, didn't even affect him once, did it?

I noticed him coming towards me. He looks as if his "sad" face was forced. Why tf would he even come to me after what that happened. I started getting nervous and really furious.

- yo Konstantinos..im really sorry for your dads death. I bet he's making fun of you right now because he knows that you're a fucking pussy who's going to get his ass beaten, soon. -said kyle not knowing whats going to happen.
- you fucking piece of shit. You're not ashamed of anything at all, are you?im not really surprised. After all you have done to me you still dare to even breathe while being around me. WHY THE FUCK WOULD U DO THIS TO ME? TELL ME YOUR FUCKING REASON, WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU? - Konstantinos

Kyle and his friends start giggling*
Calm down calm down man, why would I do that to you? Hmm. Maybe because you ruined my reputation? Me, a cool guy, hanging out with someone like you? But who am i to say this NOW? look at you big boy, looking tough in these big muscles. But let me see, are you really as tough as you seem to be?

Konstantinos:- shut the fuck up you shithead, just fucking go kill yourself. You would deserve this the most out of everyone here. if it hadn't been for you, i might have had a chance to safe my fucking Father.

Kyles smirk smiled faded in just a second . He balled his hand into a fist. It looked as if he was ready to just hit him right there in that moment. Even his friends were trying to move to my direction, when Kyle stopped them.

-dont do anything, i'll handle this one guys. - he said in a proud tone as if he was 100% sure he'd win.

as soon as Kyle tried hitting Konstantinos , Konstantinos got to stop his hand and boxed him right in his liver. That punch was so strong, since all the anger he had been bottling up, came out all at once.

I couldnt stop it.
Konstantinos started punching one by one. With no break.
I ended it, because Akira and Yoshua started begging for me to stop, as soon as i laid eyes on them, i noticed someone staring from far behind. And guess who it was?

The Principal.

To my luck, he seems as if he had just seen this, so he definitely didn't see the huge punch. Akira and Yoshua ran away as Mr Gabriel talked to me.
Yes. This was harsh, I wasn't able to control myself, but at the same time i felt a bit relieved and confident, i felt as if my whole body was boiling, every inch of it was filled with adrenaline, because Kyle the shithead deserved that.

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