the sleepover pt4 | chapter eighteen

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"I'm leaving," I said. "This is so pointless." 

"Same," Justin said, following after me. He looked at me, rolled his eyes. "Literally gonna go get a pizza."

"Noooooo," Gwen said. "Trent, don't leave me here with these losers. Especially not Heather." Heather gasped in outrage. "Rude much? It was one time."

"Yeah, your stupid manipulation and plans!" I yelled back, grabbing my keys and wallet. "You aren't a good kisser by the way."

"It was just a fucking peck, Trent! Stop fucking overreacting!"

"Says you." I roll my eyes. "We haven't even had dinner. I'm gonna go get pizza or something, and you all have to pay me fifty cents for each slice."

"Come on man," Duncan said pleadingly. "You know I'm broke and hungry."

"Well, too bad," I said and tossed my keys and missed them, landing on the floor. "Fuck." I picked them up and Justin approached me. "I'll come with. Just in case you get lost or whatever." He winked. "We all know you have a horrible sense of direction.

"Thanks," I said and smiled at him.

"No problem," he said shortly before the entire cast said "OooooOooOoOOo". Duncan smirked at me. I never liked him, to be honest. But okay.

As soon as I stepped out of the house, I could breathe. Almost as if Sierra had some eerie toxic presence, which I was sure she didn't, because the only thing she ever brought to the world was a whole new sense of stalking and strong smelling pomegranate perfume. 

"So, where to?" Justin said, sitting in the front seat, reclining the chair and propping up his legs while talking photos on his phone. 

"Probably the pizza shop down the road," I said. "Honestly, I just wanted to get out of there."

"Yeah," Justin said. "Sierra is everywhere. She's not just targeting Cody, she's targeting anyone who wants to get near Cody or is close with him. Including his family."

"Damn, when did you get so wise? I thought you were just good looks," I said with a smile, starting the engine. 

"Guess I'm brains and looks," he said with a shining grin. "And a winning smile."

"Yeah, sure, sure." I drove on. The sunset was particularly beautiful and bright today, the blue melting into orange mixing into a petal pink. The sun shone like a million angels in the night sky and beamed over all of us for the last time in the day. Justin seemed unfazed though—I was the one who liked taking photos of the sunset, he likes taking photos of himself. 

Everyone said he was a narcissist, but I never really believed that. Sure, lil bro was quiet in the first few episodes but I never had time to approach him because I was draped all over Gwen. I'm still not sure if I regret Gwen's relationship—maybe we're better off as friends? Every time I look at Justin I see something that can happen in the future, but my eyes stray to Gwen, like what would she taste like? Would it work out?

But I'm not a cheater. Not that Justin and I are dating in the first place. And plus, Gwen doesn't deserve that sort of relationship, after that dumbfuck Duncan. He's much better off with Courtney. 

"That's how it all starts," Geoff once said wisely, "being good friends but buying each other excessive gifts for special occasions. And then one thing turns to another, and before you know it you've been dating for three years."

"That's great, Geoff," Heather said. "But one question. Who are you talking to?" 


When we got to the store, I left Justin in the car and went inside to order. It was a simple order, few large pizzas and drinks. It should be enough as long as Geoff and Duncan don't slobber everywhere. Reminds me that Owen, Eva and Izzy are all in Paris somewhere. I'm so convinced they're a threesome.

"Finally," Justin said. "I'm fucking starving."

"Yep," I said as the smell of fresh pizza wafted through the air. "Now we have to go back to that little cramped hole that's Cody's house."

"Cody's house is big."

"Not compared to your mansion ass shit."

"Fair." He shrugged. "We could go somewhere else."

I laughed. "That literally sounds like a date."

"Maybe it is."

"Fuck, you're serious?"

"Yeah. We can go somewhere for a bit. Cody wouldn't mind."

"Okay then. It's a date."


no cos its been so long since ive written ppl kissing guys i need to calm down

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