the cast in trd | chapter sixty three

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total drama fuckers

justin: fam i have the best game for us to play tonight

lindsay: oooooo what is it?

justin: its a really good game but in order for us to play it we need everyone here

trent: oh no.

gwen: i have a feeling im not gonna like this

heather: does that mean we need stupid katie and sadie here?

katie: oh em geeeeeeee!

sadie: katieee i see you!

courtney: we get it. anyways wanna play roblox with us tonight?

katie: sure!! ill do it if sadie does it!

sadie: of course ill do it with you katie!!

katie: SQUEE!!

heather: why.

dj: guys, dont forget about ezekiel!

ezekiel: hey brahs whats good im chilling at the farm yo

duncan: do you even have a computer, homeschool?

ezekiel: yahhhhhh i do its upstairs

dj: hey zeeke! join justin in this game we're playing...what's it called again?

courtney: justin.

gwen: why does the game say total roblox drama?

cody: glitch maybe?

alejandro: nope. we're going back but in the form of a video game 

heather: FUCK.


Everyone joined the call again, except this time there were a few more people. DJ's mom let him play for two hours, and Katie and Sadie only joined because they heard the other was gonna be there. Leshawna agreed to play that night. Beth was also on and then the rest of the fam joined the discord call. 

"Justin, I swear in all that is holy, why did you have to pick this game?" Trent said accusingly to his boyfriend.

"I wanted to try it out, plus, it looked fun!" Justin said enthusiastically. "It can't be that bad, right?"

"I mean, it doesn't look boring or bad," Courtney said as she pulled up the tab on her desktop. "But it's based off the actual show that we were on. All the challenges are pretty much the same, but they're obbies instead."

"I can't believe I agreed to doing this," Noah said with an outwards sigh. "I'm only here cause Cody is, and even Cody doesn't wanna be here."

"Yes I do!" Cody said sharply. "I love Roblox."

"I know," Justin said. "Anyways, join me and wait for this group to get out first, then join Camp."

"Fuck!" Leshawna said. "There are random ass people joining our lobby. Duncan, stop loitering near Expedition, there's only one player!"

"He said he'd give me a free skin."

"He's lying, now hurry up!" Harold said frantically. Justin bullied them into getting out of the circle satisfyingly and Heather and him teamed up against them. If they refused Alejandro just kicked them out.

"How are you not banned yet?" DJ said. 

"I don't know."

When they were at the beginning stage where everyone chose their characters, they all agreed not to buy a character or choose their gender. "It's more fun that way," Geoff said with a grin. 

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