dark chapter 😥| chapter fifty five

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TW: SA and SH, thoughts of suicide, blood


"Wow, you guys sounded great," I said, voice dripping sarcasm. It's been a week and Trent, Justin, Harold and Cody had recorded their little MV. It looked funny but they sounded alright.

 It was unspoken between us that I was staying over tonight, but it was very clear. I was sitting in the living room on the carpet as Cody gnawed at his gummy peach rings watching the TV. He's addicted to those things, I swear.

"Was that sarcasm?" the boy asked.

"You can be the judge of that," I replied. "Seriously, you guys sound so much better than how you did after Action. And I'm glad Justin learnt how to play an instrument."

"He's still not very good at it, though," he said, reminiscing the loud blares of Justin's trumpet. "Trent's trying to teach him to play the French horn but I think he'll stick to the tambourine or the triangle."

"I didn't know you could play electric guitar," I said. Is it bad that I find people who play electric guitar hot?

"I used to take lessons. I never really told people I could, because it wasn't relevant," Cody said. "I stopped playing it after World Tour."


"Well, after World Tour someone broke in and...I guess you know who...and what happened." Cody shuddered violently, as he always did when Sierra was mentioned. The silence was thickening and the anxious energy was too. 

I always wondered what Sierra did to him. And I really wanted to know. Not because I live for gossip like Heather, but because I care about Cody and I want to make sure he's okay. I told him he didn't have to tell me, but I can't let him go on like this. I need to know if he's alright, but how? I can't pester him into telling me this-

"Cody," I said and sat down next to him. "What is going on with you?"

"It's nothing!" He scrambled to stand up and shoved me away. He stared at me and his lip quivered and he sat down again. "I'm fine, Noah." 

"No, you're clearly not," I said. "I told you I wouldn't make you tell me anything, but I am very worried. It's like everything has a tie to Si-"


"Cody, please-"

There was a silence before Cody finally said something.

"She hurt me," Cody said.




After Noah left the bathroom I was left there, sitting in the bathroom by myself. I knew something was wrong, because all the chatter outside had ceased. I grabbed my phone and texted Noah but the wifi router was far from where I was and I had no mobile data left. My message didn't send, and I could hear the sound of heels walking around outside. 

"Cody!" Sierra said as she swung the door wide open. I made a hiccup sort of noise in my throat. "There you are!" She lifted me up and hugged me tightly around the neck, squashing my throat. "I was looking for you all night," she said and held me out. She put her hands tightly on my shoulders and said, "I couldn't find you before, but now you're here! And we will be together forever now!"

She then seemed lost in thought. "Well, we won't ever be together forever." Why not? Oh, fuck. I thought. Sierra looked angry. "We won't be able to be together if that stupid cast is here. Courtney and Duncan and Gwen and Heather and Noah." Something in her voice changed as she said Noah's name.

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