Finding Clover

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Malachai, Becca and Luke walk to the forest behind the bar Clover was in earlier. They look around them but there's nothing to be seen. Becca turns her light a bit down and looks at Malachai confused. Malachai seems to have noticed a small path that leads to an old Laboratorium. Luke looks confused at the two and follows them towards the path. "Why are there so many people in front of the lab?" Becca looks curious and walks towards them. She realises that the people don't move. They don't even blink. They seem like they're about to pass out, but somehow, they can't. "Someone, or something, is controlling them." Malachai looks concerned and walks inside the lab. She flashes her light in the main hall where she sees dozens of dead humans laying on the floor. Malachai looks a bit scared about all of this and tries to walk past them. Luke notices this and walks right next to her. He tries to make her feel less scared by trying to say something to her. "So, need any help sweetheart? I can go first if you'd like." Malachai suddenly has a pissed off look on her face while she stares back at Luke. "I'm fine, Morgan. I don't need your help."
Malachai looks around, only to realise that Becca is missing as well by now. "Becca? OH MY GOD BECCA?" Malachai turns her flashlight to every spot in the hall, but still can't find the girl. Now Luke is getting serious as well. "Alright, I'm sorry for before, maybe it was my fault for disturbing you." He looks kinda disappointed in himself about this, but manages to hide this from Malachai. "It's not your fault, Morgan. We will find both your sister and Becca, I promise." Malachai gives him a very small smile, almost unnoticeable. Luke nods and takes out his flashlight as well. They both walk up to a Lab that seems to be out of use. Malachai hacks her way into a computer and looks at the files. "These belong to a man named James Roland. It's about a cure." Malachai clicks on different files and finds out it's a cure for cancer. "Hey look, it says here that the former leader of the group, Lucas Langton, has created a cure for cancer. But if you look at his files a few days later, it shows that the cure has massive side effects, like going manic or even worse, suicide." Luke puts his hands on his hips while he leans in a bit on the computer. "Yeah, the files are pretty old too. They're from 1987. You wouldn't think there's this much technology in 1987." Luke looks at Malachai with a slight smile. "Anyways, we should keep looking, mam-" "Don't you dare." Malachai quickly stops Luke from finishing his sentence and looks annoyed at him. "Woah! Mama strikes back." Luke chuckles a bit by her sudden breaking of his sentence and walks a bit back. Malachai is clearly annoyed and tries to ignore him the best he can.

After a while, Luke and Malachai enter another lab. They notice that this one was recently used, due to the fact that the sheets are a bit wet and because there is some stuff on the floor. Malachai notices a cellphone on the floor and picks it up. It's a lavender coloured Iphone. "Does it look familiar to you?" Malachai shows the phone to Luke, who seems to nod after seeing the phone. "Yeah, it's Clovers. I gave it to her on her birthday, it was the first phone she ever owned." Luke says while looking at the Iphone. He takes the phone gently and starts the phone up and Surprisingly it still has power. He opens the phone to a picture of Clover and Luke in the background. Luke smiles a bit after seeing that and it seems he lets his ego down for a second. He becomes more down to earth and his voice changes for a bit. "You know, she always told me she would always be my biggest supporter and fan. She was at every premiere, I covered the price for her of course, but she was always there for me. She's always there for me, but I wasn't there for her." Luke sighs while putting the phone in his jacket pocket. Malachai stands next to him and looks up to him. "I understand you feel bad, Morgan, but we will find her, I promise." Malachai gives him a reassuring smile and a nod. Luke nods back while putting his hands on his lower back. "Yeah, you can call me Luke, by the way." Luke suddenly goes back into his old, big ego self. He gives her a charming smile, trying to cover up how real and down to earth he was before. Malachai looks confused by this, but decides to shake it off.
They walk further into the room and find a radio. "This is Becca's, She can't be far from here." Malachai walks further with Luke, but suddenly the lights start to dim a bit. The darker it gets, the more exhausted Malachai starts to feel. Luke is confused by this, but decides to shrug it off, thinking she's just getting tired. When Malachai's flashlight stops working, she's so exhausted that she can barely walk. Luke hears her fall on her knees and turns his flashlight back at her. "Malachai?" He walks up to her and puts his hand on her back. "Are you okay?" Malachai nods and puts her hand on her head. She tries to stand up, but it takes lots of effort. Luke helps her with standing up and to walk to the next room.

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