18 - the owner of her heart

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"Jisoo? Honey, can I come in?" Tiffany asked by the door to Chaeyoung's room as she knocked.

Walking quickly to the door, the raven instantly opened it, smiling shyly. "Of course, Mrs Park. It's your house."

Tiffany chuckled, reaching out to ruffle Jisoo's hair gently. "What's this Mrs Park thing? Just call me mom. After all, you're quite close with my daughter, aren't you?" She teased, wriggling her eyebrows at Jisoo, who blushed slightly.

"Yes, mom. We're just friends— best friends. Nothing more, please don't misunderstand us." Jisoo tried to explain, even though she had a suspicion about her true feelings for the blonde.

Smiling, Tiffany led Jisoo towards the bed, so they could have their talk comfortably against pillows and mattresses. She then gently took Jisoo's hands in her own, patting them. "Honey...you don't need to lie to me. Do you want to listen to a story?"

Curious, Jisoo nodded.

"Once, there were a bunny and a chipmunk. The bunny had a very sad story, she was often mocked and laughed by people who didn't even know her. The chipmunk, however, was famous among everyone. The bunny, who was very introverted, didn't have many friends. One day, the chipmunk and the bunny met. The chipmunk thought the bunny looked really cute and wanted to be friends with her. The bunny didn't want to at first, but the chipmunk managed to convince her. At last, the bunny agreed to be friends. Unintentionally, however, the bunny caught feelings for the chipmunk. Now, Jisoo, let's say as if the chipmunk also had feelings for the bunny. What do you think the bunny should do?" Tiffany story-told, raising her eyebrow at Jisoo when she finished talking.

"Easy! It should confess to the chipmunk. They both like each other, it should be fine." Jisoo answered as if it was the easiest question in the entire world.

"Well then, what if the bunny didn't know that the chipmunk was also in love with her? What do you think it should do?" Tiffany continued asking.

Jisoo thought carefully. She knew that Tiffany was telling her this story not for fun, she was trying to get her to realise something. However, even with her being the top student in her form, she did not understand the meaning behind. The story seemed familiar to Jisoo, but she just couldn't connect it with anything. "...I don't...I don't know. If the bunny does love the chipmunk, though, it should try."

"Try what?" Pressing further, Tiffany prayed that Jisoo finally understood what she meant to talk about.

"Try confessing. That way, it would finally know about the chipmunk's feelings for it. If it doesn't even try, then it will never know that the chipmunk actually likes her back." Jisoo explained, still very clueless.

Tiffany nodded with a small smile, looking at Jisoo expectantly. Jisoo jutted her lips out into a small pout, not understanding Tiffany's intention. Sensing that, Tiffany heaved out a sigh. "You still don't understand, do you, dear?" She asked.

Jisoo shook her head. "I know you want to tell me something, but I don't get it. Why are you telling me this story?"

Tiffany shrugged, deciding to change the topic before Jisoo understands the meaning behind the story. "With your brain, dear, i'm sure you'll be able to figure that out. On another note, can I ask you a question?"

"Yes, of course you can. What is it?" The raven nodded her head, answering Chaeyoung's mother.

"Are you in love with anyone?" Tiffany asked, getting straight to the point. She couldn't wait anymore, both her daughter and Jisoo were too slow for her. She needed some assurance for her heart.

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