19 - you should go for it

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Lisa slipped onto the seat next to Chaeyoung's as she patted the blonde on her back. "Bro, how was the little getaway with your crushie crush?" She badgered, making Chaeyoung roll her eyes in annoyance.

"When will you stop asking me that?? And lower your damn voice! I don't want anyone posting another article about my love life. Chu hates attention." Chaeyoung scolded, slapping the back of Lisa's head.

"Hey!" The brunette whined, soothing her head with her  hands. "I won't stop asking you. You should've known that i would pester you about this when I found out about your not-so-little crushie crush on Jisoo." Lisa said, winking.

Chaeyoung groaned, rolling her eyes again. She was supposed to be irritated by Lisa, but the lift-up of the corner of her lips could not be stopped. Perhaps it was the fact that Lisa mentioned Jisoo, and that led Chaeyoung into thinking about Jisoo again.

As if she hadn't been thinking about Jisoo the whole school day already. As if she hadn't been thinking about Jisoo every second, every minute, every hour since the day that they met.

Eyes wandering all around the school garden, Chaeyoung finally spotted a certain tiny raven girl not that far away, crouching on her knees as she petted the small butterfly on a leaf next to her. Warmth engulfed Chaeyoung's heart as she stared at Jisoo, finding her the absolute cutest.

Jisoo was just so, so pure. And innocent. Too pure and innocent for the generation that they were in.

But it was okay for Jisoo to be like that. After all, she had a protector, she had a bodyguard.

A bodyguard that was violently in love with her.

"Hello? Earth to Chaeyoung?" Pulled back into reality by Lisa, Chaeyoung blinked her eyes multiple times, trying to force herself to stay focused. "What were you thinking of?" Lisa asked curiously.

Chaeyoung was about to answer, but she was cut off almost instantly by the brunette. "Ahh, of course, you were thinking of Jisoo again." Teased Lisa, trying to annoy Chaeyoung even further as she wriggled her eyebrows.

This in fact, did annoy the blonde. She rolled her eyes, yes, but she couldn't stop the feeling of pride entering her heart. Lisa approved of Jisoo and her feelings for Jisoo, and honestly, that meant the world to Chaeyoung.

Jisoo was not Chaeyoung's first crush, but it was the first time that Chaeyoung had felt so much for someone. It was as if Jisoo was her soulmate.

Yes, her friends knew of her last crush, it was a popular senior called Talia. However, none of them really supported her and Talia like they did with her and Jisoo. Chaeyoung introduced Talia to her friends, but even though polite smiles and nods were shared, she could feel the embarrassment and tension through the air.

It never was something that serious to Chaeyoung. She was with Talia-- for three days, and it was like trying something new rather than something serious.

This time, with Jisoo, she was serious.

"Lisa, why did none of you approve of Talia like you did with Jisoo? I always wondered." asked Chaeyoung.

The question surprised Lisa. She thought for a moment, then shrugged. "I don't know. The reactions that we gave when you introduced us to Talia was something standard. Something that we also thought would happen when you introduced us to Jisoo. But...there was something different about her. Jisoo. With Talia, it was like you two were just playing. But with Jisoo... I don't know how to explain it. Something different radiated from her when we first met. Gosh, Chaeyoung, we wanted to have our standard quizzical looks on when we met her, but she was just...she seemed so shy, so tender, so genuine. It seemed that she was serious about you too."

Listening to Lisa's answer, Chaeyoung nodded in approval, blushing at the last sentence. "I get what you mean, she's like the purest girl ever. Talia was...kind of crazy, if you ask me. Also, what do you mean by she was serious about me??"

Lisa chuckled, pinching the blonde's cheek. "Everyone knows, Chae. Anyone who's not blind can tell. Roseanne, your feelings for her? They're not as one-sided as you think they are." She answered softly.

Chaeyoung blinked. Then her eyes went wide as she realised. "Are you being serious right now, Lalisa? You mean...you mean that she likes me too?" She asked, her heart swelling of uncertain hope and happiness.

"You see? You're looking as if you're the happiest woman in the world, Park. Also, I can't speak for Jisoo, but if you ask for my opinion, I think you should go for it. Definitely, Chaeyoung. Like you are going to confess and ask her to be your girlfriend and you are going to promise me that." Lisa said, elbowing her best friend, who slapped her in the head as revenge.

"Stop hitting me, Lisa. You don't need my promise to ensure that i'll confess to Jisoo. I will definitely do that, as well as asking her to be my girlfriend. For my part, it's just a matter of when. But the problem is, I don't know if she loves me or not and even if she does, I know she'll think that she doesn't deserve me. She does, and I have told her many times that she deserves the world, but she doesn't believe me." Chaeyoung replied, sighing.

Lisa stared at her best friend sympathetically. "It's normal for her to feel that. But you've done amazing, Rosie. You got her out of her comfort zone by a lot. She trusts you a lot and she just looks so genuinely happy when she's with you."

Her lips starting to stretch, Chaeyoung felt butterflies in her stomach again. "I know, Lisa. Trust me, I know that. And god...you don't even know how happy I am because of that." She said, smiling even wider than before.

"Oh, you're making it very clear how happy you are, don't worry. Honestly, i'm here for it. As I emphasised awhile ago, Jisoo is perfect for you. Like obviously no one is better than Jennie in my eyes, but in your eyes, I think it's Jisoo. And I think you know that already." Lisa said chucking.

"Yeah yeah, of course. Now are you absolutely sure that I should try soon?" Chaeyoung asked, quite amused by the interest Lisa had in her love life.

Lisa nodded vigorously. "Yes, yes, yes. Definitely. It is a need for our souls." She said seriously.

The last sentence from Lisa made the blonde raise her eyebrows. "We as in....?" Chaeyoung questioned, emphasising the 'we'.

"Me, Jen, Nadong, Momo, Jeong, Minari, Sana...you know the drill. I'm not going to continue." Lisa shrugged as she answered Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes again. By then, she couldn't even keep count of the exact number of times that she had rolled her eyes at Lisa.

However, as annoying as Lisa was, Chaeyoung couldn't deny that the silly girl with bangs had a point.

For Jisoo, she would wait forever. She had sworn to herself that she would. No matter how long it was needed for Jisoo to completely overcome her fears, Chaeyoung would wait for her.

But that didn't mean that Jisoo would do the same for her. Yes, Chaeyoung would wait for Jisoo.

But would Jisoo also wait for Chaeyoung?

There was no guarantee that she would. All Chaeyoung had was hope. The feeling that was leading her forward. Hope. Thinking ever so positively about things, always seeing the good in the worst of situations.

A few months ago, Chaeyoung was a complete stranger to Jisoo. Now, they were each other's rock. Each other's best friend.

If Chaeyoung was being honest, she was starting to hate the 'best friend' title.

to be continued <3


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