20 - back to square one

499 40 16

Jisoo was fucking losing her shit.

She was sat in her English Literature class, and everything seemed to be normal. Her chair was there, she was sitting at her usual seat, with the same people sitting next to her.

But for some reason, she could not focus on the lesson. Not at all. Instead of analysing Elizabeth Bennet like everyone was supposed to be doing at that moment, her mind was somewhere else.

Maybe it was how her crush was currently sitting four tables next to her. Maybe it was how Chaeyoung showed her a secret pout when she came into the classroom late and couldn't sit closer to her. Maybe it was how Chaeyoung turned to look at her when the teacher talked about how Elizabeth and Darcy finally eloped. Maybe it was how hot she thought Chaeyoung looked currently in a hoodie.

If it wasn't obvious enough already, the raven was thinking of Chaeyoung.

With a blush on her face, of course.

She could not, literally could not, focus on her notes without glancing at the blonde every few seconds. After listening to Tiffany's story about the rabbit and the chipmunk, Jisoo has been losing sleep and paying less attention in class.

It was so weird, to Jisoo. The feeling of love. It was beyond anything she felt for her family, even for her dog, Dalgom.

With Chaeyoung, she felt everything. She felt complete. It was as if she was drowning in love and happiness. Yes, yes, she was terrified of love due to all the bullying she had endured.

Nevertheless, Jisoo wasn't just going to shrink back into her imaginary shell and lie to herself that she was not in love with her best friend, owing to the fact that she knew that Chaeyoung would be there for her, and guide her.

Every single step of the way.   

Little did she know, however, that a certain blonde was looking at the raven, with the same adoring look in her hazelnut-coloured eyes.






"You're Jisoo, right? Kim Jisoo?" An unfamiliar voice brought Jisoo out of her little world, and with her suspected phobia of people, Jisoo gasped, backed away before she started shaking uncontrollably.

The owner of the voice panicked, walking into the light to show her face while quickly bringing her hands up in a 'guilty' pose. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you! I'm Talia...Rosie's close friend." Talia said, faking a soft voice.

At the mention of Chaeyoung, Jisoo instantly stopped shaking. Slowly, she made herself look up, and stare at the stranger claiming to be Chaeyoung's sister. "R-Rosie's f-friend? C-Chaeyoungie's friend?" She asked, still quite terrified.

Talia nodded. Then, she unlocked the cell phone that she was holding, and showed Jisoo a picture. "This Chaeyoung, right?" She asked, trying to confirm it.

Jisoo took a look at the picture. It was a young Chaeyoung, probably taken a few years ago. She looked a little different — her hair was brown, but Jisoo could recognise that adorable grin anywhere. She nodded slowly, answering Talia. "Y-Yeah, that C-Chaeyoung."

Talia's face darkened, making Jisoo, who was already terrified, gulp and back away even more. "Y-You...You know m-me?" Jisoo stammered, trying her best to stay calm like how Chaeyoung had taught her to.

A sarcastic laugh left Talia's mouth as she walked even closer to the raven, who started to shake. "Of course I know you. Why on earth would I risk the chance of being seen with someone like you if i didn't know who you were?"

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