♡Why Can't You Believe Me !♡

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Another day of work, hope nothing happen just like yesterday. I walk in, put my bags down and ready for work.

"I want you to go get their orders for me, I gotta run to the hospital" One of the waitress, Nancy, said pointing to the same kids from yesterday.

'Great'  I thought.

"Sure, no problem" I told her.

"Thank you so much" Nancy said.

"You welcome" I said, with a fake smile.

I walk over to there table.

"Hello, again. What do you guys want today?"

"We're just getting some cheese pizza and a coke" One of the boys said.

"Okay, I'll be back in less than 5 minutes"

:.: 3 Minutes later :.:

I brought them back their pizzas and their cokes. Then, I walk back to the kitchen. Seconds Later, we hear screaming.

"What's going on" A waitress ask.

We all went to the front. We saw the girl with the blonde hair from yesterday on the floor.

"There she is!" One of them said, pointing at...Me?

"What?!" I ask, looking as confuse as ever.

"What did you put in her coke?"

"Nothing" I said.

"You put something in her coke!" Said the Jet black haired girl. 

"What? No I didn't" 

That's when the manager, Mr. Moran, came.

Great, That's just great.

"What's going on in here?" He ask.

"She put something in my girlfriend's coke, Someone call 911" Panicked the one with the bieber hair.

Girlfriend? What does he sees in her?

"No, I didn't Mr. Moran, She's obviously faking!" I yelled.

"How can you say that Ms. Thompson, You are fired" Mr. Moran said.

"Why won't you bel-"

"You're fired! Get your stuff and get out!" He yelled, interrupting me.

Why the hell won't he believe me?! She's faking!

I grab my stuff and got out of the restaurant and drove home.

"Why you home so early" Grandma ask, as soon as I step inside the house.

"I got fired because some boy said I basically poisened his girlfriend when I didn't and Mr. Moran didn't believe me" I pause "You believe me right?"

"Of course I do flower, I know you'll never hurt anyone"

"Aw, thanks grandma, I love you" I give her a hug.

"I love you too," she said, hugging me back "But, we gotta talk"

"Whats up"

"I know this is hard," She pause, staring me "But, you need to be adopted"

"Huh?" I said, with a confuse look on my face.

My life cannot get any worst...


There it is..Chapter 2! Not a very long chapter. What do you think? Vote/ Comment!


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