♡New Family, Part 3♡

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I woke up finding myself in a purple room. Where am I? I thought. Then, I remember. "Oh, right" I said, to myself. I got out of bed and went downstairs.

"Goodmorning, you must be Ciara" This tall guy ask me. Im guessing he's Raquan's dad...My new dad.

"Yes, Goodmorning Mr. Smith" I smile.

Then, Raquan came downstairs. 

"Hey dad" He said and walked past me not even saying a word. He went straight to the kitchen. Geshh, a "Hey" would be nice.

Then Danielle came in. Great.

"Where's the bathroom" I ask. Suprisingly, my room don't have its own bathroom. Oh, well.

"Dani, can you show her where the bathroom is please?" Mr. Smith ask her.

"Urghh, Do I have to do everything? Come on" She said to me.

She showed me the bathroom. "Thank you" I said.

"Don't dirty it 'cause im taking a shower after you" She said and walk away.

Thats two, one more and im out.

I took a shower and brush my teeth and I put my clothes on (To the side). I just let my hair down. I went downstairs so I can make myself a sandwich and those boys were in the living room with Raquan playing NBA2K 13. I walk straight to the kitchen avoiding them. Hoping for them not to ask me questions, but I failed.

"Who are you?" Ask this boy with Curly low cuts. Man, he fine. God bless his beautiful soul.

"Ciara" I said, shyly. Im not use to talk to people.

"What are you doing here?" A boy with this big ass curly afro ask. He cute too.

"Im um.." I really didn't feel like answering this question. "I was uh adopted yesterday"

"Interesting..Ray have a new sister" He said. 

"Im craig, call me Prod" Said a boy with a mohak.

"Hi" I wave.

"So, who were you li-" The same boy with the curly low cuts was about to ask me, but I cut him off.

"My grandma. Now, please no more questions. Okay? Ok" I walk in the kitchen and made my sandwich as they went back to their game. 

After I ate my sandwich, I went up to my room. I grab my purple bag. Yes, thats my favorite color. I walk back downstairs. I walk up to the front door.

"Where you going" Raquan ask me.

"Imma go visit my grandmother" I said.

"With what car"

"Don't worry, I'll walk"

"I'll give you a ride if you want" Craig offered.

"No thanks, I'll walk" I open the door and walk down the street.

When I got there, my grandma wasnt there. I have the key. Maybe she went out for grocery or something.

I didn't wanna go home, so I went to this park I use to go with my dad. As soon as I got there and sat on a bench, All of the memories with dad came flooding back. I took out my iPhone and started looking at picture of me and my parents. Yes, I have alot of pictures of them on my phone. Then, I started listening to music. Marcus canty 'Used by you'. 

I started singing. I can't help it. But, Im a good singer though. I got it from my dad. We use to sing alot together. I just don't like singing in front of people.

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