♡All New♡

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“Do you think I should apologize?”  I ask Ray. Everybody was sleeping. It’s one in the morning. I couldn’t go to sleep. So, Ray decided to stay up with me. I couldn’t stop thinking about my dad passing away. Most of all, I couldn’t stop thinking about what she said before storming off ‘Doesn’t feel good, does it?’ After she said that, guilt started rushing over me. I feel guilty for all the things I put her through. For all the things I’ve said to her.

“Yeah,” He nod. We both got up. He gave me a warm embrace before pecking my lips. “Goodnight”

I smile. “Goodnight, Babe”

“Can I talk to you?” I ask Ciara. Everyone was downstairs doing something and Ciara was up in her room watching 21 Jump Street. The one with Channing Tatum.

“What do you want?” She ask, not even looking at me. I walk in and close the door behind me.

“I just wanted to apologize” She wasn’t even paying attention to me. “Can you please listen?”

“I am listening” Her eyes was focused on the movie.

I sigh. “Well, can you please look at me, Ciara”

She rolled her eyes and pause the movie and looked at me. “You happy?”

I ran my hand through my hair. “I feel guilty for everything I put you through. I’m truly sorry. I didn’t know what it felt like to have no parents. Just please forgive me”

“So, it took for your dad to die to come apologize to me” She raised her eyebrows.

“I’m sorry,” I said lowly.

“I forgive you” She said before resuming the movie.


“Yeah. But, it doesn’t mean we’re gonna be friends”

I nod. “That’s fine. I just wanted you to forgive me”

“Where’s my necklace?” She ask, pausing the movie again.

“Oh, Justice have it”

“Why’d you tell to take my necklace when you know that’s the only thing I have left from my parents. The only thing that made me feel strong”

I shrug in disappointment. “I don’t know. I guess… I wanted you to feel weak”

“Do you know how humiliated I was yesterday? I was embarrassed, Tori.”

“I know. I’m really sorry”


“Well, Ray and I is going out. We’ll be back later”

“Where y’all going?”

“We’re just going out for lunch”

“Have fun”

I smile and nodded. I walk out her room and went to the living room downstairs. Ray looked at me. “You ready?”

I nodded. We walk out the front door to his car. We got in.  We were driving for about 8 minutes. Ray parked the car and got out. We walk inside Golden Corral and found a table to sit. We ordered our foods and drinks. We started eating at soon at the waiter brought out food.

“What happened between you two?” He ask, looking at me.

I really didn’t want to spend our little date talking about what happened between Ciara and I. But since he asked…    

I sigh. “Um, I was bullying her”

He furrowed his eyebrows. “For what?”

I shrug. “I don’t know. I guess because how she looked.” I ran my hand through my hair, in frustration. “Sometimes, I would get jealous of her of how gorgeous she is. So, I would make fun of her because her parents died. I turned the whole school against her. Everybody started bullying her. Now, that my dad passed away, I started feeling bad.” By now, tears were threatening to fall.        

“You didn’t have to bully her just because you were jealous of her, Tori. Did you tell her that this morning?”

I shook my head. “No, I only apologized”

“Are you guys friends now?”

“I don’t know. She said she forgave me but we’re not friends. I guess not”    

We were done eating. He pay for our food. We got out of that restaurant and drove home. We basically spent our date talking about Ciara.


We went to the mall when Ray and Tori got home. Chres and I were walking in the front and the rest was walking behind us. He interlock our hands and I smile.

“Where do you wanna go?” He ask.

“I’m not buying anything. I just came here to walk”

“You sure?”


I felt my phone vibrated. I look down at it. It was from Dani.

“You two go out now?” –Dani

I chuckle and turn back and look at her. “Check your phone” She mouth.

“Maybe, Maybe not” –Ciara

“Is that a yes?”-Dani

“I said, maybe, maybe not”-Ciara

“Come on, tell me” -Dani

I look back at her and nod.

“Really?” She exclaim. Everyone turned and looked at her.

I nod, again. “Yeah”

“What was that about?” Chres ask me.

“I just told her you’re my boyfriend”

He chuckle slightly. Mel suggested we go to Forever 21, so that’s where we’re heading. We walked inside the store. I started looking at the clothes they have.

“You sure you don’t want anything?”

“I’m sure”

“Ci, do you think these pants would fit me?” Destiny asks, holding up a black skinny jean.

I went up to her and looked at the size. “I don’t know, probably. Go try it on”

“I don’t feel like going to the fitting room. That’s why I asked you”

I chuckle. “Just go try it on, D”

She roll her eyes and went to the fitting room. I chuckle. I look to the side, toward the door; I saw justice and this guy walked past the store.

“I’ll be right back” I told Chres before going out the store. I ran after her. “Justice!” I yelled. She turned around and looked at me with disgust.

She stopped walking. “What?!”

“Can I please have my necklace back?”


I furrowed my eyebrow. “Uh, because it’s mine”


“What are you gonna do with it anyway?”


“Then, let me have my necklace back”


She took it out of her pocket. She threw it on the floor hard enough that it broke. Is she fucking serious! I felt myself getting angry. I ball my fist and punched her dead in her face.

“You bitch!” She was about to swing and I quickly held her fist before it got to my face. I kicked her in her stomach. She fell on the floor. I kicked her in her face and her nose started bleeding. By now, we had a crowd. The guy she was with pulled me away from her. Justice got up and punched me in my face twice. I saw Ray pulled her away. I was struggling to get out of his grip but he was holding me too tight. Justice was doing the same thing to Ray and her nose kept bleeding. This is new; I've never fought in public.
“Let her go, I got it” Chres told the guy. He let me go and I was about to run toward Justice but Chres quickly pulled me back.

“Let me go, Chres!” I yelled. “She broke my fucking necklace” Tears ran down my face out of anger. I don’t know how, but somehow I got out of his grip. I have anger problems. When I’m mad, I do stuff I don’t even know how I do it. I ran to Justice and punched her in her face. She yelled in pain.

“Ciara, stop it!” Chres yelled, grabbing and holding me tighter than his was the first time.

I fell on the floor and pick up the broken necklace. Tears were pouring down my face. I brought my knees to my chest. I look at the necklace that was in piece. I can’t believe this. The only thing that actually meant something to me is now broken.

“What’s going on here?” A police officer said.

“Nothing, we got it” Jacob replied.

“You sure”

He nodded. “Yeah”

“Okay.” The police officer walked away. The crowd went away slowly.

“We have to take her to the hospital,” Craig said. “Her nose is bleeding too much”

Ray, Tori, and Craig helped her walk. I don’t why, it’s not like I broke her leg or something. But, whatever.

“Are you okay?” Destiny ask, as soon as I got up from the floor.

I nodded. Right now, I’m not in the mood to talk to anybody. They drove me home. When we got there, I went straight to my room. I looked in the mirror. I had a slight bruise on my right cheek. A tear fell from my eyes. I walk in my balcony. I looked at the beautiful city. Tears kept falling from my eyes.

Why does my life have to be like this?


We all went upstairs to Ciara’s room. Surprisingly, the door wasn’t lock. Ray, Tori, and Craig was still at the hospital. I’m sure all Justice is gonna get is a bandage. We walk inside her room. I saw her in the balcony.

“Leave me alone” She said, not even turning around.

“We came here to help you” Dani said.

“Help with what?”

“Come on, Ciara. We’re just here to comfort you.” I said.

She turned around and looked at me. “Look, I appreciate you guys being there for me. But, right now, I wanna be alone. Please”

“You can’t just not talk to anybody” Tequan said.

“Yes, I can” She sigh. “Can you guys just leave?”

I walk up to her and wipe her tears with my thumb. “You hold in all your emotions. Let them out”

“No, I don’t. I just don’t wanna-”

I grab her face gently and kissed her. She wrap her hands around my neck as she kissed me back. She ran her hand through my hair and smile. She pulled away. I wrap my arms around her and embrace her. She cried in chest.

She pulled away and sat down on the little couch that was out here. Tequan sat next to her. She laid her head on his shoulder. My phone started ringing. I walk out her room and picked it up.


“Come open the front door.” Ray said on the other line.

“Where’s your key?”

“I give it to Danielle”

“I’m coming”

I jog down the stairs and open the front door. They came in, including Justice. Just like I said, she had a bandage on her nose.

“Why she’s here?”  I whisper to Ray.

“So you can drop her home”

“Why me?”

“You’re the only one that knows where she lives”

I kissed my teeth and grab my keys. “Let’s go”

She followed me outside quietly. We got in the car and started driving my way to her house.

“Why’d you broke her necklace?” I ask, taking a glance at her then at the road.

She shrug. “I don’t like her”

“Do you know how much that necklace meant to her?”

She shrug again. “I don’t care”

“Why don’t you like her?”

“I just don’t”

“You’re jealous, aren’t you?” I looked at her.

“Why would I?”

“You know why”

“No, I don’t”

“Fine. Then, I’ll tell you. You don’t like the fact that I pay her more attention than you. You’re mad that I never went out with you and I go out with her. Do you think embarrassing her in front of the school and breaking her necklace is gonna solve  anything?”

She shrug. “What’s done is done”

I parked outside of her door. “Whatever” She got out of the car and walked inside her house. I drove home. When I got there, I texted Ciara.

“How you feelin’?”-Roc

“Where are you?” –Ciara

“I’m at home”-Roc

“You didn’t tell me you left” –Ciara

“I dropped Justice off and I decided to go home” -Roc

L I wanted you to stay over” –Ciara

“:/ Sorry.”-Roc

“It’s fine. I’m going to sleep, bye.” –Ciara


“You too.

I close my phone and drift off to sleep.


“Ray, Danielle, and Ciara come down here!” Mrs. Smith yelled from downstairs. It was around noon. We were in Danielle’s room dancing. Ray was teaching me some moves. Just like Dani said the other day, if I keep practicing, I’ll be a great dancer. We all jogged downstairs to be met by Mrs. Smith and this little adorable girl.

“What’s up?” Ray looked at his mom.

“Her” She said, excitedly.

“What about her?” Dani ask.

I kinda knew what’s happening.

“She’s a part of the family now!” She exclaimed.

“What?!” Ray and Dani yelled.

“Dani, you have to share a room with her ‘til I can make her a room”

“What? No! You know I hate sha-”

“I’ll share my room with her” I said.

“Really? You’ll do that”

“Yeah,” I shrug.

“Thank you.” She hugged me.

I hugged her back. “No problem” I pull away. “Come, follow me” I mentioned to the little girl, who looked about 3.

She followed me up to my room. She looked at it in awe. Then, she sat on the floor.

“No, no. You don’t have to sit on the floor,” I grab a chair for her. “Here, sit”

She hesitated before sitting down. “Thank you” She said, real low.

I sat on my bed, in front of her. “What’s your name?”

“Brittany” She quietly said.

“Hey, Brittany. I’m Ciara. How old are you?”

She held up 4 fingers. “Four”

I thought she was 3. “What happened to your parents?”

“My mommy died. My daddy was beating my step-mommy. He hit me twice” She showed me the bruises. She look down before she continued. “Then, I ran away”

A man abusing his four year-old daughter and his wife? What a world! “Why were you sitting on the floor when you came in?”

“I never had a room”

“Where did you sleep then?”

“I just…I just slept in the bathroom”

“Now, you don’t have to worry about that,” I gave her a hug as she did the same. “You have a room”

There was a knock on the door. “Come in!”

Chres walk in the room. He gave Brittany a strange look before pecking me on my lips. “Who’s this?”  He sat down next.

“That’s Brittany.”

“Hi” Chres said to her. She just waved.

“I think Mrs. Smith is gonna adopt her”

“How old is she?”

“Four” I said, before looking at Brittany. “Do you wanna watch TV? What do you like watching?”

“I never watched TV” She said quietly.

“Well, come sit here,” I pat on the bed and turned it on Disney Junior. Chres laid in the bed behind her. I lay next to him and laid my head on his chest. He kissed my forehead.

I look up at Chresanto. “I’m not ready for school tomorrow”

“You’ll be fine, Ci”

“But, what if they laugh at me?” I know that’s what’s gonna happen. It happened before; when I use to get bullied.

“They’re not, trust me”

The door opened and Mrs. Smith came in. She widen her eyes when she saw me and Chresanto.

“What’s this?” She ask, pointing at us.

I looked at Chres and chuckle. “Nothing”

“It sure doesn’t look like nothing” She raised her eyebrows.

“He’s my boyfriend”

“Ohhh” She said before looking at Brittany. “How you doing so far?”

“I’m doing well” She replies in her low adorable voice.

“Well, dinner is gonna be ready in a few minutes” She said as Brittany nodded. She looked back at me and Chres. “Thanks again, Ciara. And you two are too close” She said before going out the door.

Chresanto and I laughed. Brittany turned and looked at me. “Can you give me a blanket? I wanna go to sleep”

“Sure” I got down from the bed and went to the closet. I grab a clean pink blanket. I gave it to her. She got down from the bed and was about to lay on the little fluffy carpet on the floor.

“No, sweetie. You can come sleep on my bed.” I got her up from the floor.

“I thought since you two were on the bed, I was gonna sleep on the floor”

“No, here,” I gave her a pillow. She got on the bed and cover herself with the blanquet. It didn’t even take her 5 seconds to fall asleep. Chresanto got down from the bed and close the TV.

“Wow, looks like she hasn’t falled asleep for days” He said, before he closed the light.

“I doubt it,”

Brittany is on the side~

All I Ever Wanted | Chresanto A. |Where stories live. Discover now