Chapter 5

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Jaida's pov:

butterflies filled my stomach as my eyes met Lando's,

i had to admit he looked so good in his black shirt and black jeans, I also noticed my bracelet still round his wrist making me happy to know he hasn't lost it,

"you guys are finally here" Daniel said,
"yeah well it was Jaida's fault" George said making me drop my jaw,
"uh no? you literally washed your hair using Carmens products then insisted you re-showered to rid of the and i quote 'scent of victoria secrets minge' so don't you dare blame me" i replied as everyone bursted out laughing,

"Jaida i thought you were gonna take one for the team and say it was you" George said,
"uh did you not hear me just now? i said no pissing way" i replied as he shook his head,

"victoria secrets minge" Pierre repeated as he cried tears of laughter along with everyone else,
"okay can we go now i'm starving" i said,
"that's the first" Lando replied as they all stood up,
"shut up Landingo" i said making him giggle,

"Oi Jaida" Oscar said catching my attention,
"did he just oi me" i replied making Lando nod and laugh,
"come meet my girlfriend" Oscar said making me gasp,
"you have a girlfriend?!" i asked as i walked over to see a beautiful girl stood next to him,

"oh my god hi i'm Jaida" i said before hugging her,
"hey im Lily" she replied,
"here come meet Carmen" i said before taking her hand and walking with her to find Carmen,

Lando's pov:

"your girlfriends taken my girlfriend" Oscar said to me as Jaida walked away with Lily,
"i'm gonna right hook you one day" i replied making him laugh as we watched Jaida, Lily and Carmen talk and laugh together,

once we got to the restaurant some of us took a seat as some of us went up to the bar,

me and Oscar were sat talking to Lewis and George who were sat opposite us when Lily came over,

"Lando you might wanna go save poor Jaida from Logan" Lily said as she sat down next to Logan making us all turn to see Jaida at the bar with Logan standing awfully close to her making her take a step back every now and then making me stand up and go over,

"jj what you drinking?" i asked as i wrapped an arm round her waist moving her to create a gap between her and Logan for me to stand in,

Jaida's pov:

"you look amazing tonight, i'm struggling to believe your single" Logan said as he stood way too close for comfort making me take a step back,

i mentally thanked Lando as he came over saving me once again,

"jj what you drinking?" he asked as he wrapped an arm round my waist moving me to create a gap he could stand in,
"if your paying then the most expensive drink here" i replied making him giggle,

"sorry Lando but we were having a conversation" Logan said to Lando making me roll my eyes,
"we really weren't" i replied as Logan looked at me,
"we were, it's okay Jaida you don't have to try and fit his standards, they're not hard to reach" he said making me drop my jaw in disbelief,
"mate your way out of line, i suggest getting back in line before i put you there myself" Lando replied stepping forward,

"right come on let's go sit down" i said to Lando before grabbing his hand and walking him back to the table as he death stared Logan,

"what just happened?" George asked as i sat next to Lando opposite Lewis who was sat next to George,
"Lando's threatening violence so i bought him back over before he could commit violence" i replied,
"yeah but why is Lando threatening violence?" Lewis asked,
"because Logan is a stuck up twat" Lando replied making me scoff as the others tried not to laugh,

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