Hazel eyes

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Your confident smile and your hazel eyes

Have always had me so mesmerized

It makes it harder to sleep at night

The thought of you gives me butterflies.

The time I spent, The thoughts I have

While daydreaming about you

On my bed,In class and in the kitchen too

And I promise, you'll have my presence forever and ever

Your brunette hair and your hazel eyes

Have always had me so mesmerized

The way you laugh,The way you talk

Makes me think I don't deserve this at all.

As I lay and time slips through my fingers

I want you to promise you'll play this fair

But when I make a move, it's always like I'm the only one who cares.

Your arrogance and your hazel eyes

Have partially made me realise

That I deserve better, and I should let go

Or maybe thats just the thoughts of my delusional head.

Your ignorance and your hazel eyes

Have finally made me realise

That I really do, deserve better

They aren't the thoughts of my delusional head

But the voices of my head instead.

So new chapter

But the same character everytime.

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