To my unbeloved

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Your actions have proven my point

I can't expect anything from you

This is the nightmare I feared

And it came true

Seeing you from afar,

I couldn't tell if you had lost your feelings

It seemed like you were too blind to care

Too numb to care.

I started paying attention to myself

The things I love

The things I hate

I feared that this day would come

I could never be more afraid.

I finally started to love myself

I finally started to be happy

Why did you start loving me now?

Why did you ruin my reasons to be happy?

You don't even know the damage you've done

All of it would sound like a joke to you

You might think that this is fun

But I'm not a thing that is to be used.

It's too late now to reciprocate your feelings

It's too late now to say "I love you"

If you could have been mature

If you could have been smart

Maybe then we wouldn't be back at the start

I'm not blaming it on you.

But a part of me feelings guilty about liking you

And deep down you should know

That whatever we had was never to grow

So, I'm sorry for liking you

I know you will never be sorry for making me feel used.

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