2 weeks later

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Y/n sat in the forge helping Gobber sharpen some weapons, she had fitted into Berk life again well but was avoiding everyone like the plague, except Gobber of course.
"You can head out lass" Gobber said as he walked back through the front
"Could I stay longer?" The girl questioned as she rubbed the sweat off her forehead
"Aye but why would you want to do that?" The large man said with a laugh.
Y/n just shrugged and got back to work as Strike sat beside her with a knowing look
"Shut up" she mumbled to her dragon who let out a sound resembling a laugh.
She sat just making stuff and messing about with things for another hour before the bordem overtook her and she just sat and thought about things.
She was glad to be back home but she had to do something about Hiccup, she hated him and he hated her but she had to suck it up and make amends if she wanted to live here, after all he is the chiefs son.

Y/n walked to the cliff atop the docks were a villager had told her Hiccup was.
She walked over to him and sat at his side as their dragons began to play in the background.
"Hey Hiccup" she said quietly
"What?" He replied, not looking up from what he was doing in his journal
"Well I thought we should make a truce, we don't exactly need to be friends or anything but we need to be okay with each other. I want to come back and live here again and don't lie I know you want me to as well" she said with a slight laugh
"Why would I want that?" The boy questioned, finally looking up
"You said sorry when I got stabbed, you said to me you were sorry about everything and to be honest Hiccup so am I." She said with a shaky sigh
"I only said that cause I thought you were going to die" he said avoiding eye contact
"Exactly so you must still feel something for me? How about we don't need to talk or anything but no more fights in the middle of a village" the girl laughed
"Okay deal, on one condition" Hiccup said quietly
"And what's that?" Y/n replied
"We do become friends again, I've missed you Y/n" He said as he stared into her e/c orbs
"Okay deal" she said as they both got up and shook hands
"About we start fresh and forget about the whole ratting you out to my dad and stuff" Hiccup said with a nervous chuckle
"Fine by me, but I'm not forgetting how everyone except from Fishlegs bullied us" Y/n sighed
"I get why but they are all nice now and we'll Astrid is kinda my girlfriend" Hiccup said, looking at the ground
"Congrats Fishbone you got the girl! Not gonna lie though I do not see what you see in her" Y/n laughed
"Me neither.." Hiccup whispered to himself
"What did you say sorry I didn't hear?" y/n asked
"Oh nothing, let's go for a fly"
"Sounds good"

They soared through the clouds, raced and done all sorts of tricks before slowing down to a glide through the sunset
"I've missed you Hic" Y/n said softly as she smiled at him
"I've missed you too" he smiled back.
Y/n flew slightly to the side and on top of Toothless and Hiccup before jumping off Strike and lightly landing behind Hiccup.
She pulled her arms round his torso and rested her chin in the crook of his neck
"Today has reminded me so much of when we were kids" she said with a content sigh
"Me too" Hiccup replied, he was so glad to have is friend back even if they were trying to kill each other only 3 weeks ago.

The pair entered the great hall to go eat dinner, this was Y/n's first time eating in here since she got back and she felt like everyone was staring at her
"Hiccup i feel like everyone's staring" she whispered to him
"It's okay, we'll go quickly get food then we can go to the table we're my friends are. It's only us that sit at that bit" he smiled at her and her heart melted when he did.
They went and got food and sat down with the rest of Hiccup's friends, Hiccup sat beside Fishlegs and Y/n sat beside Hiccup but Astrid came stomping round the table
"You can't sit there?" She said with venom dripping from her words
"And why is that?" Y/n said unbothered
"Cause that my boyfriend" Astrid said with rage. Everyone just sat and watched what was about to happen, Hiccup was about to speak up but Y/n bet him to it
"Okay and..?" She said with a smile, making a few of the teens laugh but Astrid shot them a look and they quickly shut up
"And that means I need to sit beside him!" She growled
"You were sitting at the other end a second ago" Y/n shrugged, continuing to eat.
Astrid slapped her across the face and yet again Hiccup was about to speak but Y/n cut him off
"I wouldn't do that if I were you" Y/n laughed coldly
"Why not?" Astrid said as she yanked Y/n off the seat and punched her hard, Y/n didn't even flinch but most of the hall were now watching and the chief was making his way over.
"Look behind you" Y/n smirked, suddenly Strike entered the hall doors and charged at Astrid, making her fall on her butt with a angry yell, Strike towered over her
"Strike thats enough buddy" Y/n said calmly, making the dragon trot over to her
"Astrid, don't ever try to threaten or hurt me again, next time I won't tell him to stop" the girl rolled her eyes and walked out the hall, Strike gave Astrid a quick growl and then trotted along to catch up to Y/n.
She didn't go very far and just went and began making a new handle for her sword in the forge
"I knew I would find you in here" a voice spoke from behind her as she cut leather
"Yep, your girlfriends a bitch" Y/n sighed, she felt a heavy hand on her shoulder before her friend spoke again
"Ex actually" he let out a small chuckle
"You say ex, I say waste of the last however many years you'd were together" Y/n shrugged as she continued
"only one year, she was the first person to believe in me after finding Toothless but looking back I think she just kinda wanted some of the credit" the boy sighed as he sat beside Y/n
"Sorry if I ruined your relationship" Y/n spoke softly
"You didn't don't worry, it was bound to happen anyway" Hiccup took her face and turned it towards him, each staring into each others eyes. Hiccup leaned in and pressed a kiss to Y/n's lips but the girl pulled away quickly
"Hiccup.. I can't" she said as tears surfaced. She ran out the forge and jumped on Strike, taking off into the dark night skies.

Loss of love (hiccup x reader)Where stories live. Discover now