Homeward bound

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The gang sat in the deck of the ship making a plan.
"We aren't leaving you Y/n.. but I do have an idea" Hiccup smiled
"And what might that be haddock?" Y/n questioned as she shuffled over, it was getting harder to walk.
Hiccup took a glance at her leg before continuing
"We aren't that far a flight from Berk so Snotlout and Hookfang could carry Strike and you fly with me" he shrugged
"Good plan.. but I'm not sure if Strike would be okay with me not being with him and I don't think that Hookfang could carry another person" Y/n sighed as she looked to her dragon whom was lying beside her
"What do ya' say bud?" She questioned.
Her dragon gave a worried coo but nodded
"Okay it's settled, everyone saddle up" The girl said quietly.
She hopped on Toothless and Hiccup got on in front, Strike stood by her hurt leg worriedly
"I'll be okay buddy, and you'll be safe with Hookfang" the girl smiled as she stroked her dragon.

They set off on the journey back to Berk but Y/n couldn't deal with the pain spreading through her leg any longer
"Hiccup.." she whispered before blacking out and feeling the air around her quickly submerging her
"Y/n!" Hiccup yelled as he flew after the petite girl whilst she was headed straight towards the sea.
The brunette heard Strike roar in panic behind him but the dragon couldn't do anything because of his missing tail fin. Hiccup cursed himself for not packing Toothless' spare.
The race to the ocean continued and Hiccup's heart was like a machine gun in his chest, the rest of the gang soon followed the chase as Y/n plummeted.
She was about to hit the freezing waters and the inpact would kill her,
Only 10 inches away, Toothless caught her in his claws
"Good job bud!" Hiccup praised him and they headed for a sea stack near by.
"Holy Thor" Snotlout exclaimed as they landed
"That was insane!"
"Is she okay?"
They all surrounded the unconscious girl
"Y/n?" Hiccup whispered, gently shaking her as Strike licked her face.
She groggily woke up and straight away screamed out in pain
"My leg! Oh my Thor please someone make it stop!" She cried out, hugging onto her dragons head
"Hey hey, Y/n you're okay.. we will get you to Gothi" Hiccup assured her
"Please Hiccup just make it stop!" She continued to cry, her eyes pleading without words
"Y/n if I remove it it will just hurt more" he said sadly as he brought the girl in for a hug from sitting on the ground as everyone else just stood back watching and feeling the girl's pain through her own actions
"I know I know.. we just need to get back" Y/n said after a while, the pain hadn't died down but she was getting used to it, she couldn't put any pressure on the limb though so Strike and Hiccup helped her out, and Hiccup lifted her back atop of Toothless.
Y/n sat the whole flight with her eyes closed and her head rested on Hiccup's shoulder, the pain was too much to bare and she felt so bad for crying into Hiccup's shoulder but he assured her it was fine many times.

They finally reached Gothi's and Hiccuo called out to her as he pounded on the door
"Gothi! Please! It's an emergency!" He cried out as Y/n sat trying to keep her eyes open through the pain.
The old woman hobbled out quickly and took one glance at Y/n's bare and gashed leg before rushing them inside and getting Y/n to lay on a table. She pushed Hiccup out the door where the rest of the gang was and got to work getting Y/n sedated with herbs before beginning the process.
In the meantime Hiccup paced in front of the door, worring about Y/n as everyone else did the same.
Especially Strike.
"I know buddy, she'll be okay" Hiccup tried to re assure the dragon but it was useless, he just kept roaring and pacing, lighting sometimes shooting off his body.
"You'd both need to take your minds off this" Astrid spoke as she walked over
"I can't leave her" Hiccup said with pained eyes
"I know it's hard but please for your own sake listen to me Hiccup" Astrid said quietly.
Eventually the girl managed to drag Hiccuo and Strike away from the door to go make a prosthetic for Strike's tail.
Hiccup worked fast as Strike stood watching him with Toothless.
After a couple hours he managed to get the tail attached with a place for where the girl's prosthetic would also go. It was like his but everything was in the right instead of the left, they would be a mirror image now. Hiccup also got to work making a prosthetic for Y/n and he was just finishing when Gobber came through the door
"That's her done lad"
The man looked like he had been crying and rightfully so, after all she was basically his daughter.
They rushed back to Gothi's and Hiccup burst inside the door just as Y/n was beginning to wake up
"Hiccup?" She spoke groggily looking around
"I'm here darling"
He walked over and took a seat next to the bed, helping Y/n sit up, once her legs were out the covers she looked down
"Oh my Thor" she said as she clasped a hand to her mouth.
Half the bottom of her leg was gone.
"Hey it's okay, you're the strongest person I know, you'll make it through this" Hiccup spoke softly as he hugged her.
"Can you help me up?" She said, looking towards Gobber and Hiccup
"Of course"
Hiccup attached the prosthetic and it fit like a glove, a bit sore but manageable. The guys helped her up and even though Y/n was a bit wobbly at first she got the hang of it by the time they were out of Gothi's.
Strike ran up to her the second she walked out and Gobber and Hiccup moved away to give the girl and dragon some room, he sniffed her prosthetic and cooed with worry
"I'm okay buddy" Y/n smiled, she was now sitting on the ground.
Her dragon lay beside her for a few moments before he seemed to realise something and spun around with his toung out like a dog
"Your tail! It's amazing!" Y/n exclaimed whilst her dragon showed off his tail, the fake tail was mostly black but had a lilac design on it
"Oh Hiccup it's amazing" she turned to her boyfriend and hugged him
"How'd you know it was even me?" He laughed
"I just did" she laughed back.

A couple hours later they tried to fly, Strike and Y/n quickly got the hang of this new flying method since Y/n had flew Toothless a few times and Strike was just a smart dragon
"Woohoooo!" Y/n yelled as they dived towards the sea before coming back up again
"Want to try the free fall?" Hiccup questioned loudly over the wind
"Is the sky blue?" Y/n yelled back with a grin before putting Strike's tail in the lock position and jumping off
"Take it that's a yes" Hiccup laughed to himself before doing the same.

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