The new girl

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Hiccup was at the docks greeting the villagers who would be staying on Berk for a while because of a war going on at their home. Where they were from woman don't fight so all the woman of the island were there (except the healers of course) and it was safe to say their was a lot of people.
"Hey Hiccup," Y/n said as she approached with Strike, the girl Hiccup was talking to screamed and jumped behind him
"Am I that bad looking?" Y/n laughed but Hiccup shot her a glare, causing Strike to then growl at Hiccup
"You have a d-dragon next to you!" The girl practically screamed, making some people close by stare
"yes I do," Y/n replied nonchalantly
"Do yous not have dragons?" Hiccup questioned, looking shocked
"Of course we do! They eat people" the girl yelled again, causing Y/n and Hiccup to laugh but the future chief tried to hide it
"Trust me, they won't 'eat'  you. They're like big dogs" Hiccup reassured the girl as he went to pet Strike to prove a point but the dragon snapped at him and let out a dragony laugh. Causing Y/n to laugh as well but the girl was not laughing she looked terrified.
"Well that one might" Hiccup said awkwardly causing the girl to look even more scared (if that was even possible)
"Oh no- erm I was joking!" He tried to sort it out but he seemed to be not fixing anything
"Hey, don't worry. Strike was just messing about, none of our dragons would harm anyone. Unless we told them to." Y/n said, adding that last part quietly, she had noticed this girl seemed to be all over Hiccup when she first walked down and Y/n didn't like that one bit and she didn't have a good feeling about this new girl- who's name was Leah, she just seemed suspicious.

Y/n and Astrid walked through the woods, it had been a good few days since she found Hiccup and Y/n kissing and now they were quite close since putting their differences aside they were actually quiet similar and got on well.
"So what do you think about that new girl Leah that's been hanging about with the group you know the one that came with the other villagers?" Astrid asked out of nowhere.
"I don't know, she seems suspicious I guess" Y/n shrugged
"Thank Thor you said that! I thought I was going crazy!" Astrid laughed
"Oh my gods don't even! I thought I was too I'm so glad I told you the truth about how I feel about her!" Y/n laughed as well
"She's been hanging all over Hiccup, it's so weird she obviously has a crush on him" Astrid said a bit more serious
"I know, not gonna lie I was a bit jealous  earlier when she started wrapping her arm around him in the great hall and stuff. That's why I left" Y/n said kinda sadly
"I don't blame you girl, come on let's go find them" Astrid said as she got on Stormfly, Y/n soon getting on Strike.

Hiccup was in the forge working on something and Leah sat beside him
"Hey guys" Leah said as she noticed the 2 (slightly angry looking) girls enter the forge
They replied back. Hiccup muttered a hello but didn't look up from what he was doing
"Hiccup babe, your friends are here" Leah said in a flirty tone
"What did you just call him!?" Y/n said enraged. Hiccup looked up shocked at Leah and was about to speak but Y/n never noticed cause she was already out the door.
"Y/n wait!" Hiccup yelled and started to chase after her
"Forget it Hiccup, she's obviously upset at you and I don't blame her!" Astrid shouted before punching him in the gut and walking out.
"Aw babe, are you okay?" Leah started
"Stop calling me that Leah!" Hiccup yelled before he too ran out.
Leah just sat with a frown, maybe her plan wouldn't work after all .

Hiccup ran through Berk trying to find either Y/n or Toothless
"Ugh why does that dragon always disappear right when I need him!" Hiccup sighed as he ran up the hill to his house.
He ran in the door and bumped right into his father
"Sorry dad" he replied as he stepped back
"No worries son, now what's the rush?" He said with a laugh
"Trying to find Toothless, to then find Y/n" Hiccup sighed
"I just saw Y/n.. Flying Toothless" Stoick said with a very confused expression
"Oh great" Hiccup mumbled before running back out the house and going to the arena to 'steal' a dragon.
Eventually he got there and quickly saddled up a purple and blue deadly nadder, it wouldn't be as fast as a night fury but would do for now.

He searched for what felt like forever before finally seeing Y/n flying Toothless as they done all kinds of tricks through the skies.
"Wooohoooo!" He heard the girl yell out in joy as he watched with a small smile.
He couldn't help but think of how amazing Y/n was with dragons, it was like she belonged with them.
Eventually the h/c girl and the 2 dragons she was with came to a smooth glide in the air and Hiccup made his way over on his borrowed nadder
"So why'd ya steal my dragon?" Hiccup said with a slight chuckle
"Holy Thor Hiccup! Don't scare me like that! And I rode Toothless cause I thought you would be too busy with your new girl friend to fly him" Y/n said with an eye roll as she shot daggers at the boy
"Y/n I'm so sorry about that, I promise I never done anything with her, I shouted at her as you were leaving" Hiccup sighed
"Sorry Hiccup, I should have trusted you more.." Y/n said with a sad smile
"Hey it's okay, now how about a quick dragon swap?" Hiccup laughed.
He swung himself onto Toothless and Y/n hopped on Strike, they dropped off the nadder back at Berk before going on a sunset flight.
"So what do you think Leah was trying to do?" Hiccup questioned
"Probably get between us and steal you from me" Y/n laughed
"Well she must not have seen how in love I am with you" Hiccup smiled, Y/n's cheeks went bright red but she still smiled back
"I love you too Haddock" she said as she stared into his beautiful green orbs.
Suddenly both dragons became very alert which made the 2 vikings snap out of it and focus on their surroundings, and thank Odin they did
"Fire!" A man on a ship below them yelled. Y/n and Hiccup flew back to Berk as fast as they did and they landed at Hiccup's to warn his dad about a fleet of ship's that were headed their way
"Hiccup wait!" Y/n called just before they entered Hiccups hut.
"What is it?" The boy questioned slightly panting from the adrenaline
"Those ships are h-here because of me..." Y/n said as tears pricked her eyes
"What, why?" Hiccup said rather loudly as he ran a hand through his hair
"I have the information to find the Queen of all dragons..."



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