As Normal as it Can be

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Y/n awoke to a slimy tongue all over her face
"Ew Strike get off!" She shouted, waving her hands about in an attempt to get the slevers off
"Great now I need to go to the cove to wash while smelling like a fish, thanks a lot" she grumbled earning a laugh from her dragon.
Then at the worst of times her bedroom door knocked
"2 seconds!" She yelled, fighting to put her leggings and undershirt on
"Can I not just come in? it's just me" Hiccup laughed
"No im a mess!" Y/n yelled back, her face was away from the door so she didn't notice that Strike had pulled it open with his tail
"Erm what happened?" Hiccup said, trying to stifle a laugh
"Dragon" Y/n rolled her eyes.
Her hair was wet and sticking to her forehead and because she was rushing to put clothes on she was all tangled in her shirt
"Help. Please." She sighed
"Okay" Hiccup laughed and helped her
"Anything for you milady" the boy winked, Y/n pushed him back and laughed
"Come on dragon boy let's go to the cove"
"Loving the new nickname" he winked again
"Why are you being so flirty" Y/n laughed as she took his hand and began to walk downstairs where Toothless was waiting for them
"Hey buddy" Y/n greeted and the night fury trotted over to her and purred while she scratched under his chin
"See Strike that is how you're supposed to greet someone" she laughed and Strike rolled his eyes and walked away
"Yous really make me laugh" Hiccup said with a dorky smile
"Thanks I guess?" Y/n shrugged before going out the door to find Strike with Hiccup and Toothless following
"Strike! Bud I was joking!" She called before sighing when she didn't get a reply
"Come on he can't have gone far" Hiccup said, wrapping his arm around Y/n's shoulder
They began to walk around the house and sure enough Strike was sitting at the front doors looking like a sad puppy, Hiccup and Y/n both stifled laughs before Y/n walked over and sat beside her dragon
"I was joking bud, you know you're always going to be my favourite even if you do have bad breath" she smiled and placed a palm on his wing, he turned away slightly with a loud growl, this caused some villagers to overlook and out the corner of her eye Y/n saw one pull out an axe but luckily Hiccup got the man to put it away
"What do you want an apology?" Y/n laughed and her dragon just nodded
"fine I'm sorry I woke up in a mood" she said and placed her head to his for a second before pulling away, her dragon then mimicked her and she laughed, all the villagers had went back to working since there was no drama so Y/n walked back over to Hiccup and Strike ran to Toothless
"Yous 2 are so confusing" Hiccup laughed
"Nah we are both just stubborn I guess" Y /n laughed along with him
"Hey how about we get the rest of the gang and go a fly?" Hiccup suggested with a grin
"Sounds good to me!"

They found everyone and got everyone to meet in the arena with their dragons
"so were are we going?" Alice asked with a smile as she put on Midnight's saddle
"Where ever the wind takes us" Y/n replied, jumping on Strike.
They flew to a few islands in search for new dragons but they couldn't find any so they ended up just playing about in a lake
"Come on guys get in!" Y/n yelled to Strike and Toothless but they wouldn't budge.
Everyone else was in so they found this weird but just passed it off and the gang continued splashing around while Toothless and Strike watched.
After a while they got out and set up camp and they were just about to sleep with suddenly Stormfly became really tense and uptight
"Easy girl you're okay" Astrid tried to calm her but she ended up getting hit by one of the nadder's spikes before she took off into the sky with most of the other dragons leaving as well.
The only ones remaining were Strike and Toothless but they were really tense as well but it seemed they were more concerned for the groups safety while the others just seemed panicked
" oh great now what do we do?" Snotlout huffed
"Well we go find them I guess?" Alice suggested
"We will need to go on foot I don't think it's a good idea to fly Strike or Toothless right now" Y/n shook her head and attempted to calm her dragon
"Oh of course you know what's best oh great dragon goddess! What can you understand them or something?!" Snotlout yelled
"Snotlout it's obvisous if anyone flew them it could end badly look how wound up they are, and your shouting won't help and you know what yes I can understand them or well I had the choice to but I said no so I could come back here to see yous" Y/n said with venom racing in her tone and against her own orders she jumped on Strike and headed herself to go find them, Strike actsully seemed to calm down once they were off the islland and in the surrounding skies

hiccup pov:—

"Didn't she just say that was a bad idea?" Tuffnut said, stating the obvious
"Yes tuff she did" I sighed, I needed to think
"So why'd she do it?" His twin then asked
"She's been with that dragon for like 6 years, she knows Strike well and he'll take care of her" Astrid sighed
"But Big T would take care of Hiccup?" Tuff then said
"Yes tuff he would but the issue is if they are together and they are both getting really wound up then it could still get dangerous without them even realising what they are doing" I rolled my eyes and began to try think while everyone stared at me
"Okay I am going to fly Toothless and try find Y/n, she's probably trying to find the other dragons. We will just have to risk it I guess" I sighed
"So we are being left with no protecti-" Snotlout started but before he could finish Alice and Astrid both punched him.
I thanked them silently and took off, Toothless was quite anxious but it's nothing we hadn't dealt with before
"Easy bud," I said softly, stroking his head, his eyes darted from side to see and then he stopped midair and let out a ear pricing roar
"Ow" I mumbled and then before I had time to realise what was going on he was diving to the island but I had no time to realise so I began to fall
"TOOTHLESS!" I screamed but it was no luck, he himself couldn't control his tail and was falling to the island.
I closed my eyes and waited for the icy water to round me but then I felt a claw grab my arm
"Good save Strike!" I heard Y/n shout before she peered over at me
"That was some stunt you played and also Toothless is safe, we caught him" she smiled and then before I could reply we reached land again, Toothless walked over to me guiltily and licked my palm
"It's okay bud, I understand" I smiled at him
"Me and Strike have went round some of the island and nothing is unusual but we can't find anyone" Y/n sighed
"Should we search from the air again?" I asked quietly, still calming my dragon down
"Maybe we should find the other dragons first, they must be terrified"
"Yeah you're right"
We hunted for them for miles before eventually we found meatlug head deep in a pile of rocks and Hookfang whom was on fire, pacing nervously next to a large hole in a mountain
"You go meatlug, I'll get Hookfang" I whispered to Y/n and she nodded.

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