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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐕


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You wake up to the familiar ache in your back, a consequence of spending two nights sleeping on a thin blanket spread across the hard floor. The idea of getting a proper bed crosses your mind, but the thought quickly fades away amidst the daily grind.

Glancing at the clock, you note the time: 7:36. Normally, by this hour, the building would be alive with activity-neighbors bustling about, getting ready for work, exchanging morning greetings in the hallways. But today, there's an unusual silence, a stark departure from the usual bustling atmosphere.

With a casual shrug, you prepare for your shift and make your way downstairs. As you descend, soft music catches your attention, prompting you to investigate the source.

" Morning, doorman, " greets a cheerful blonde woman as you approach. " Hey, " you reply with a nod.

Glancing around, you inquire, " Is it someone's birthday? " The woman chuckles softly. " No, silly. Wake up! It's Valentine's Day. "

You pause, realization dawning upon you. " Oh, right, " you mumble, mentally kicking yourself for forgetting such a significant occasion.

The blonde woman smiles reassuringly. " And don't worry about missing out on the festivities. Your shift is cut in half on days like these, so you can join us in the evening. "

With a grateful nod, you swiftly make your way to your office, a renewed sense of energy coursing through you. Sitting up straight, you prepare for the day ahead, anticipation for the evening celebration bubbling within you, despite the lack of a partner by your side.

As you organize your tasks, a thought strikes you: why not contribute to the party festivities by preparing a dish? With a determined nod, you decide to lend a hand in the culinary department as well, adding your own touch to the celebration.

As the day wears on, a steady stream of people flows through the building: deliveries, invitations, and various other errands keeping you on your toes. It's a whirlwind of activity, and you find yourself calling for cleanup three times before your shift finally ends.

Exhausted but determined, you trudge up the stairs, feeling the weight of the day settling on your shoulders. However, the promise of the evening's celebration spurs you on. You slip into a dress that hugs your curves perfectly, a decorative bow adding a touch of elegance to the ensemble.

With high heels in hand, you cautiously descend the stairs barefoot, mindful of the potential hazards that could lead to an untimely bruise before the evening's festivities even begin.

To your surprise, you didn't anticipate encountering anyone on your impromptu descent. However, fate has other plans as Francis, of all people, appears at the foot of the staircase, catching you in this slightly awkward moment.

Francis, dressed in his finest attire, stands there, his gaze meeting yours as you make your way down. There's a fleeting moment of awkwardness as you both register each other's presence.

𝐒𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖 (Milkman x Reader) That's Not My NeighborWhere stories live. Discover now