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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐕𝐈𝐈𝐈

The Sweet No

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" A bar? " you repeat, eyebrow raised in surprise.

Kuntt nods enthusiastically. " Yeah, a bar! "

You can't help but roll your eyes. " Is this some kind of prank? " you ask incredulously. " I never pegged you as the bar-hopping type. "

" I'm full of surprises, " Kuntt says with a grin.

You shoot him a playful look. " I bet you're just tired of hanging out in nursing homes. "

" I just want to sit down and have a conversation, " Kuntt confesses finally. " We may have our differences, but after several phone calls, you aren't so bad. "

You're taken aback by his sincerity. " That's actually really nice of you, " you admit, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips.

" Sure, " you agree with a wide grin. " What time do you wanna meet up? "

" An hour after your shift, so you have time to prepare, " Kuntt replies. Just then, footsteps approach from behind him.

" Am I interrupting something? " Francis asks, a box of milk cradled in his arms. Kuntt, in his little suit, looks up to make eye contact due to the height difference. " Oh, no, of course not, " he replies.

" Hi, " you greet from the other side of the glass, waving at Francis. He smiles at you in return. " What are you two talking about? I hope I didn't cut your conversation short, " he asks.

" Oh, no, " you wave, " you didn't. We were just talking about hanging out later, " you answer, trying to sound casual.

" At a bar, " Kuntt replies for you, his tone matching yours.

Francis's eyes narrow slightly, but his expression remains neutral. " And you are? " he asks, directing his question at Kuntt.

" Kuntt, " Kuntt replies, offering a polite nod.

" Oh yeah, this is the guy I was on the phone with last night, " you smile, gesturing between them. " You finally got to meet each other in person! Yay, " you exclaimed with forced enthusiasm, trying to lighten the mood.

A moment of silence passes before Francis speaks up. " Nice to meet you, " he addresses Kuntt, his expression neutral. Then, turning to you, his whole demeanor changes, and a bright smile spreads across his lips.

" Oh yeah, [name], " he begins, retrieving a milk glass bottle from the box. The liquid inside is a deep crimson red. " I got you something to start your morning. "

Your eyes light up. " Oh, what? No way, it's that new flavor you were talking about before, " you exclaim, recalling the conversation and the mishap that followed. You swiftly rise from your seat and hurry outside of your office to receive the drink.

𝐒𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖 (Milkman x Reader) That's Not My NeighborWhere stories live. Discover now