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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐗𝐈𝐈

You Know Where to Find Me

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" Yes, "

Kuntt chuckles softly, his laughter a gentle reassurance. " Yes would've been my answer, " he jests, enfolding you in a comforting embrace. Your fingers cling tightly to the fabric of his back as you bury your face into his shoulder, seeking solace in his warmth.

Of all the unexpected settings, you couldn't fathom refusing his 'heartfelt' confession amidst the eerie silence of a forest, mere steps away from a lifeless body.

" Alright, let it all out, " he murmurs, his voice tender as he encourages you to release your pent-up emotions.

You sniffle, struggling to articulate amidst the torrent of tears. " Y-you don't understand what happened that night, " you begin haltingly, your voice trembling with the weight of the memory. " He kissed me. He willingly kissed ME. " Another sob wracks your body, and Kuntt's hands instinctively find their way to cradle your head.

" And then, " you continue, your voice barely above a whisper, " he takes out another girl the next day. "

Kuntt's gentle whisper cuts through the weight of your emotions, his words offering a lifeline of understanding and support. " You can tell me, " he urges softly, his smile warm despite the presence of Caeser in the room. ". We won't judge. Take your time, we're here for you. "

You swallow hard, attempting to steady your trembling voice. " I... I got called into work, " you begin, each word heavy with the weight of betrayal. " It wasn't even my shift... I don't start until Saturday, " you explain, your breath shaky as you recount the events. " And he knew that, " you add, the realization of his deception fueling your anguish.

" I don't know, " you laugh through the tears, the sound laced with bitterness. " I just can't help but feel that the night they went out together was planned specifically to ensure I wouldn't be around, " you explain, your voice quivering with a mix of disbelief and hurt.

Raising your gaze from Kuntt's chest, you address both him and Caesar in the room. " Isn't he just such an asshole? " you cry out, the weight of betrayal heavy in your words.

As Kuntt offers you solace and comfort, the ringing of a telephone interrupts the moment, pulling him away. Left alone with Caeser, the florist, you feel a pang of vulnerability in the wake of the emotional turmoil.

Caeser, sensing the need for distraction, attempts to engage you in small talk, his gaze falling upon your marigold necklace. Initially, you entertain the thought of tearing it off your neck, a bitter reminder of the betrayal that still stings fresh. But then, his words catch your attention.

" Marigolds, " he begins, his tone thoughtful, " represent passion and good luck. However, for some with deeper intentions, they can symbolize possessiveness or jealousy. " His observation strikes a chord within you, the significance of the necklace taking on a new light.

𝐒𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖 (Milkman x Reader) That's Not My NeighborWhere stories live. Discover now