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Sadaf's POV:

We'd been laboring ceaselessly for weeks and it was now the right time. I had finally managed to create enough physical samples which were ready to be launched. Everything was going well. Ijaaz assisted me in designing a website for my brand which I decided to name 'Sadaf's Style Haven' whilst I prepared my very own lovely little boutique using the investment money. Today was the grand opening of my boutique and according to the comments from the Instagram page we made online, positivity was overflowing from each of my posts. I was ecstatic and my heart raced as I realized that I was now a few steps closer to achieving my dream. I hadn't told Dadaji yet as I wanted to make sure that everything went well first and I wasn't giving him any false hope. I was assembling a few more props and pieces, carefully putting them in a box when I noticed Ijaaz going somewhere hastily so I called out for him abruptly as I required him to come over and give me some final words of reassurance.

"Jazu look at these do you think they match? I'm so stressed. What if all doesn't go according to plan. I'll be on the streets, and I'll have to shamefully drag myself back to my parents' house. I can't go back Ijaaz."

He held my shoulders firmly and shook me playfully, looking deep into my soul he reassured me by saying "Everything is perfect. Don't worry about a thing. You worked hard day and night to be able to see this day so let me tell you that I'm so proud of you that I even got you a little gift."

"Ooh a gift? For what though."

"Just a little reward for your perseverance." he flashed the warmest smile which stretched from ear to ear. He then proceeded to hand me a little box. I looked at him and held the box, pushing it back towards him.

"You don't need to give me anything Jazu. For me YOU are the greatest gift. If it weren't for you this dream of mine would simply remain a vision which could've never been accomplished."

He looked at me persuasively as he pushed the box towards me once more.

"Hey hey hey! This is all you, all I did was help. You deserve it. Take it don't be shy." he mocked. I was hesitant but I didn't want to upset him, so I accepted his little token. I opened the box to reveal a heart shaped locket. I was astonished to discover that the locket could be unlatched, and the sight revealed before me caused a few tears to roll down my cheek. It was an endearing photo of Ijaaz and I when we were younger. In the photo I was hugging him ever so tight because it was the day he was leaving me for what I assumed was eternity.

"Ijaaz, where'd you find this picture? You're making me cry." I sniffed as I pulled him into a tight embrace, mirroring the one in the locket."

"Ah, my secret superpower; turning on the waterworks!" he grinned, and I playfully slapped his arm reflecting his banter. "On a serious note though the purpose of this gift is to symbolize our unity—a bond we intend to uphold for as long as Allah wills. Do you understand? Now stop crying."

I nodded whilst looked up at his towering figure. He handed me his handkerchief which I utilized to wipe my tearful face. Ijaaz then extended his arm gesturing me to loop my hand through as he dramatically said.

"Shall we my lady." I looped my arm through his and replied cheekily.

"We shall" I chuckled, and we looked at each other, ready as ever to conquer whatever was to come our way and headed off to the boutique for its grand opening.

Upon our arrival we saw lots of people who had gathered in front of the boutique visibly anticipating its grand opening. My heart almost jumped out of my chest at the sight. I felt proud. I felt accomplished. I wonder how my parents would've reacted if they had seen this, but again, it's not like they ever cared enough about my interests to deserve to be here, so I let my thoughts neglect them just the way that they neglected me. I shook of my thoughts and glanced at Ijaaz who was gesturing a little thumbs up and that really boosted my confidence. I nodded at him gleefully looking at the crowd to mark the beginning of this journey.

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