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"Get out."

His eyes widen as he looks at me. I've tried hard to put up with his incompetence, but it's been days and my patience is spent. He opens his mouth to speak, however the look I send his way has him backing away slowly.

With his exit comes the entry of the last person I want to see right now.

"Damn, Hades. It's not even seven yet and you've already made the manager piss his pants."

I raise an eyebrow at Declan White. Tall and blonde with a charming smile and a nice countenance, he's the opposite of me in every way. And I have the misfortune of being stuck with him, considering he's supposedly my best friend.

"Thanks to him, I need a new manager."

Declan sighs, lowering himself onto the chair in front of my wooden brown desk.

What did he do?" he questions.

"He messed up with the statistical records. I had to go over it three times and he still didn't get it right. I had no idea I was hiring toddlers instead of graduates of Ivy Leagues," I say irritated.

I stare at Declan as he places his arm on his jaw and gives me an amused look.

"What?" I snap.

"Your temper tantrums are amusing," he states.

"Fuck off. Don't you have something better to do?"

He's the CEO of the largest bank in all of Richmond. It must not be hard work, considering he has way too much free time on his hands.

"Not really, no. It's six p.m., I was bored at my office so I came over here. To invite my best bud of many, many years to go out with me. Come on, it's been ages since we went clubbing, Xander."

"That's because we're both busy, Declan. And also, we're in our forties. I can assure you, I wouldn't be caught dead at a club."

"You say forties like it's a death sentence. I'm young at heart. In fact, I was thinking of legally changing my age. What do you think of me being a 25-year-old man?" he asks, waggling his eyebrows.

I inwardly sigh. "I don't see how that's possible."

Of course it is. People change their names all the time, why can't I change my age?" I shrug in reply. "Also, I'm a billionaire with a capital B, Xander. Anything's possible."

"You're the most humble person I've ever met."

Declan grins. "That might be the sweetest thing you've ever said to me. Thanks, Xan."

I lean back in my chair and roll my eyes. My sarcasm is lost on him. He's the only person I ever really talk to like this. Everyone else is subjected to glares and meager words. I'm not the biggest people person.

But really, you should go out more. You're wilting in here." His green eyes are damn near twinkling.

"People don't wilt," I grit out. "We're not flowers."

"I think you'd make a beautiful daisy."

My eyes flutter shut as I massage my temples. "You're a child."

"Nothing I haven't heard before." He sits forward and places his hands on my desk. "Now, are we going to the club at Lakeside? Or Whitmore? The one at Whitmore has the best women. But Lakeside's a lot more exclusive."

"Neither. I'm going home," I tell him.

His eyes narrow. "Oh, come on, Xander."

I raise my hand to stop him. On few occasions, he has managed to drag me out to join him in his debauchery, but tonight is not one of those days.

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