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"What are you doing here?" I ask calmly.

Asher's face contorts into anger as he looks behind me to Juliette. I block her from his view and look into his eyes.

"Asher," I say in warning.

He can be pretty hot-blooded, but I really don't need him getting angry around my woman right now.

His jaw clenches as he stares at me, "One of my acquaintances called me a few minutes ago, asking me if I knew a woman called Juliette. Apparently, reporters are sniffing around because she's rumored to be in a relationship with you. I called bullshit and I was coming here to ask her what was going on. But you're here, fucking half-dressed in her room at seven in the morning!" he yells.

I sigh. "Calm down, Asher."

"Calm down?" He scoffs. "You expect me to be calm when you're fucking the woman I'm in love with?"

I bristle at his words and rage builds up within me at the manner he's using to describe my relationship with Juliette.

"It's not like that!" I snap but his attention isn't on me anymore.

Juliette shoulders past me and walks out of the room, her eyes on Asher.

"I'm really sorry, Asher," she says softly.

"Sorry?" he spits. "Why the hell are you sleeping with him? I thought it was odd that you were living here and being a nanny to the twins. Then I find out you're working at his hotel, as well? You're fucking him because of what he can provide you. I thought you were better than that."

"You need to calm the fuck down son. Don't talk about her like that!" I shout.

Asher stares at me with so much anger in his eyes it clears my rage. I feel Juliette's touch on my shoulder and I quickly release him.

Fuck, Asher, I'm sorry," I start to say. He cuts me off with a punch to my jaw and my head snaps to the side.

Juliette gasps.

"Screw you. Screw both of you," Asher says then walks away.

"Fuck," Juliette whispers from behind me and I turn to look at her.
I'm sorry he punched you," Juliette says guiltily.

"I'm a big boy, Firefly. I can take it. And I think I deserved a punch."

Regardless of whether or not it was intentional, in his eyes, I'm practically stealing away the woman he's in love with.

"I didn't mean to hurt him," she says as her eyes fill with tears.

"Hey, no." I pull her into my arms and run my hands through her hair. "You didn't do anything wrong. Asher's pissed right now but he'll come around. He's family, we'll get through this."

"He probably hates me now," she mumbles against my chest.

"It'll be okay," I assure her, trying to soothe her with my touch.

She lets out a breath before pulling away. "Go. You have a plane to catch."

A smile tugs at my lips. "Actually, I have my own private jet so I don't have to leave unless I want to."

She mumbles something about rich people under her breath as I pull her closer. "You still need to go. I'm sure whatever business you have to do in France is important."

"You wanna come along?" I ask without hesitation but she shakes her head.

"I have work. People already think I only got the job because I'm sleeping with you—there's no need to prove them right," she says sadly.

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