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"No," Lisabell says dismissively, so I pull out another dress. "Nope."

With a sigh of frustration, I toss the dress onto my bed. "Bells, you've said no to every single club-appropriate outfit I own. Do you want me to go clubbing in jeans?"

Honestly, that would be quite comfortable now that I think about it. I could pair the jeans with a cute white crop top I bought recently.

"Don't you dare," Lisabell states, getting to her feet from her position at the desk in the room.

She walks over to my small closet and starts digging through the clothes. I sigh softly before dropping down to my bed, choosing to watch her quietly. A few minutes later, she emerges holding a dark blue dress. My eyes widen at the sight. I completely forgot I even owned that—and with good reason.

"No, no way."

Lisabell pouts as she looks at the dress. "It's hot."

"Babe, most of my boobs will be on display in that dress."

A few years ago, I wouldn't have hesitated to put it on, but things have changed. I'm not the same person I was then. That Juliette liked to party—a lot.

"Come on, it matches your eyes and you'll look amazing in it."

I sigh, getting to my feet and snatching it from her hand. She's right, I would look amazing. And considering our company this night, I really want to look amazing.

"He'll love it," Lisabell says firmly, like she's reading my mind.

I give her a look. She has a bad habit of corrupting me and making me do things out of character.

"Fine!" I groan. "If this backfires, I'll gut you."

Lisabell laughs before raising her hands in surrender. "Easy on the violence."

She leaves to get changed and I do so as well. An hour later, we're both dressed and glammed up and there's no doubt in my mind that we're looking sexy as hell. Lisabell's wearing a black two-piece, a mini-skirt and a bra top, which she's able to pull off effortlessly thanks to her small boobs. She's paired her outfit with silver heels.

Looking to get laid?" I ask her with a raised eyebrow.

"If only I could be so lucky," she mutters. "One last night hot night in Virginia before I have to head over to L.A. all on my own."

"You'll be fine," I say dismissively. "If you really need to get laid, Declan's available. I think."

She wrinkles her nose. "Yeah, I'm not getting with the British billionaire. He's been with at least half of Virginia. His playboy ways are legendary."

"But he's hot," I point out.

"I know," she says on a dreamy sigh.

I'm about to say something else when I get a text from Xander.

We're about to pull up. Are you ready?

I text back a yes before hurriedly spraying on some perfume and hauling Lisabell's ass out the door. Xander and Declan pull up at the same time, each of them driving equally ostentatious cars. Although, Declan definitely wins when it comes to flash.

"You couldn't have brought one car?" I ask looking through the window of of Xander's BMW.

He shrugs and I don't miss the heat in his eyes as he looks at me. His gaze latches onto my chest and when he looks back up at me, there's blatant desire coursing in his eyes. I'm glad he approves. He looks amazing as well. With his black jeans and equally black shirt, he could easily pass as a hot young model posing for a shoot, or a vampire trying to blend into the night. Basically, he could have worn more color. I don't mind, though, especially with his chest peeking through the first few unopened buttons of the shirt.

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