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"Seriously, Xander. Do we really have to go to the hotel? It's 9 p.m., I'm hungry and you promised me to cook for me."

I grin as I glance at Kathy in the passenger seat. There's a pout on her lips as she twirls a lock of her brown hair in her fingers.

"I never said I would do the cooking. The chef's back home whipping up some lasagna," I tell her.

That's cheating," she says, frowning. "You said you would cook. We've been married for eight years and you've never prepared a meal once. Where's your sense of equality, Xan? I do all the cooking in the house," she mutters.

I raise an eyebrow. "You cook, like, once a week, babe. And I know you're just dying to judge my amazing culinary skills but it's just going to have to wait. I'll cook for you one day, I promise."

As soon as I learn how.

"Why do I feel like you're talking out of your ass?" Kathy states with a laugh.

"I'm not," I deny shaking my head.

She laughs harder and I smile at the sound.

"But seriously, Xan. I'm starving. Can't we just stop at a drive-through and buy a burger or something?"

"You said you were watching your weight. Even though you don't need to and asked me to hold you accountable. I feel like this is the perfect time to do that," I add.

"I am watching my weight," she sighs. "But I still need food."

"We just passed the last restaurant, baby," I tell her, pulling onto the street leading up to the hotel.

It's pretty deserted, which is understandable considering the icy roads. It's early November but it's already fucking cold.

I told you to wait for me at home," I remind my wife.

I didn't want her to come along but when Kathy wants to do something, there's no stopping her.

"Yes, but I didn't want to be apart from you. This is our first night away from the kids in forever," she says, a wild glint in her beautiful hazel eyes.

"I still think we shouldn't have left them with Declan."

I'm sure it'll be fine," Kathy states. "But they'll probably be too tired tomorrow because I'm not sure Dec even knows what a proper bedtime for a seven-year-old is, not to talk of enforcing it."

"Definitely," I agree on a laugh.

I reach over and intertwine our fingers..

"You're so obsessed with me," Kathy teases.

"Oh please, I'm the catch here," I joke.

My eyes meet hers and I see so much love and emotion swirling in them. The moment stretches on and while I'm considering pulling over so we can kick off our night without the kids in an epic way, Kathy's eyes widen as she points in front of us.

"Xander, watch out," she breathes, fear in her voice.

I turn to look and my eyes widen when I take in the dog in the middle of the road.

"What the fuck?"

I veer left almost immediately so I don't hit it. The tires skid on the icy roads and I lose control of the steering wheel for a second. I slam onto the brakes as Kathy screams, but it doesn't work. My children's faces flash in my eyes for a second and I growl as I try harder to stop the car.

Suddenly, we slam into something and it feels like an immense weight is thrown over me. The windshield shatters and glass cascades all over us. I hear Kathy scream. I think I lose consciousness for a few minutes. When I come to, I realize we hit a tree. The front of the car is smoking and I can barely feel my leg. Dizziness hits me like a tidal wave.

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