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Fantasia stared at the white walls in her room. A cold draft came under her hospital gown, but she didn't move. She couldn't stop staring out the window. The beauty of the bright blue sky and thick clouds didn't matter anymore. All she could see was grey skies. The nurse walked into the room. Fantasia didn't budge. "How are you doing, Mrs. Taylor?" Fantasia didn't respond.

The nurse sighed as she wrote down Fantasia's vitals.
Kendall paced the floor outside of Fantasia's room.
Nurses walked by, all concerned about the star athlete.
Fantasia's nurse walked out the room. Kendall paused, his eyes widened, hoping for good news.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Taylor. There's not any change as of now."
"But she is .. physically?"
"Physically, she will be fine. Emotionally, that's another question." The nurse put her hand on Kendall's shoulder.
"I know it's hard, but I'm sure she needs you right now."

Kendall's feet felt like they were covered in cement. He stared at the hospital door, afraid to walk in. Guilt filled his heart. He knew he had to face it, but didn't know if he was ready.

Thirty minutes passed before Kendall built up enough nerve to walk into the room. He put his large hand on the silver door knob. Kendall took a deep breath and walked into the room. He looked at Fantasia's back. She hadn't moved since they allowed her to turn over. He walked back out of the room and closed the door. Kendall put his fists against the wall and rested his head on them. He fought to gain control. He couldn't let Fantasia see him cry. He knew he had to be strong for her right now.

Kendall turned around and looked at the hospital door. He couldn't make his feet move. He grabbed his cell phone. There was only one thing he could think to do. Fantasia heard a soft knock on the hospital room door. She didn't answer. She just continued to stare out the window. She heard the door open, and faint steps hit the floor. "Tasia." Zaria walked around the bed. She looked at Fantasia, whose face was sullen. "Tasia, baby, I'm here. Kendall called me."

Zaria walked over to the bed. She put her hand on Fantasia's thigh. Fantasia's leg felt like an icicle. "Your leg is freezing, honey." Zaria pulled Fantasia's sheet up over her legs. "I'm just going to cover you up." Zaria pulled a chair close. She put her hand into Fantasia's.
"I don't expect you to say anything. I'm just going to sit here until you want to say something, OK."
Fantasia's body felt a little warmth take over. She blinked her eyes. They immediately began to swell with tears.

"Yes, hon?"
"My baby is gone."
Fantasia began to cry. Her silent tears turned to a hysterical cry. She felt as though her world was crashing around her.
Zaria stood up and wrapped her arms around Fantasia.
Fantasia's tears soaked into her purple shirt. Fantasia cried and cried. Zaria was silent. She rubbed Fantasia's hair and occasionally stated, "Let it out."

Kendall stood outside the door, crying along with his wife.
He walked down to the chapel entering the small, candle-lit room. Kendall slowly walked to the front. He lit one of the small candles at the front. He knew he wasn't Catholic but was willing to try anything at that point. He placed his hand on the large Bible sitting on the podium. Emotions filled his body. He fell to his knees and sobbed. Nothing mattered anymore. He didn't care about Taraji, basketball, his fortune, or anything else. The only thing on his mind was his beautiful wife. He knew it was over. There was no way to repair the damage. His anger and their arguing took away their unborn child.

Zaria and Fantasia looked at each other. Zaria rubbed the back of Fantasia's hand. She finally stopped sobbing, now they sat in silence.
"Zaria," Fantasia sighed. Zaria smiled. "I'm glad he called you."
"Oh, girl, of course. Don't even think about it."
"I'm just glad it wasn't my mother. She is going to irritate the hell out of me, I know it. I never even told her I was pregnant."
"Really." Zaria blinked. "I guess it's a good thing your parents didn't know."
Fantasia forced a smile. "I have never felt so empty."
"That's understandable."
"No, Z, I feel even worse because my emptiness isn't just because of losing my child, I went to New York." Zaria's eyes widened, her mouth dropped. "When?"

"Yesterday." A single tear rolled from Fantasia's face.
"I asked Taraji to take me."
Zaria covered her mouth. "Oh my God."
"She was drunk, Z, really drunk. She yelled, she kicked me out and told me to come back to Kendall. She doesn't love me anymore, Zaria. She doesn't love me, and now I don't have a baby either." The tears began to flow again.

Zaria didn't know if she was more furious or concerned. "Taraji was drunk? That's crazy. Girl, I'm sure it's something more. That's not like her at all."
"I saw it in her face. Her eyes were void of emotion. She doesn't love me anymore, I ruined it."
Zaria slightly squeezed Fantasia's hand. Tasia, baby, right now I want you to take your mind off Ti and even off Kendall. I want you to focus on you and what you need to do for you. All the rest will fall into place, I promise you."

Fantasia knew Zaria was right. "What's on TV?" Fantasia pressed the channel buttons attached to her bed. Fantasi gasped. She stopped on the channel that broadcasted the chapel. She saw Kendall sitting in the pew with his head down in his lap. An older white priest rubbed Kendall's back while chanting what looked to be a prayer. "Kendall."
Zaria felt her heart breaking for Fantasia and for Kendall. She didn't realize what type of effect losing his child was taking on him.

"Tasia, do me a favor, OK." Fantasia looked at Zaria.
"I know that you have unresolved issues with Kendall, and with Taraji. But please take a minute and put all the past aside and realize that he is going through it too."
"I know, and I will. Zaria, I'm really glad you stayed in Florida. I don't know what I would do if you and Armani were gone."
Zaria smiled. For the first time she was really happy to still be home. She realized she did have a purpose after all.

Zaria waited till Fantasia was asleep before walking out the room. As soon as she made it to the closest waiting room, she pulled her phone out to call Taraji. She was livid. She hadn't talked to Taraji since she made it to New York, Taraji hadn't called or anything. Now to find out she was drinking and being mean just did it for Zaria.

Taraji's loud ringer woke her up. The America's Next Top Model marathon was now on, the only season she ever watched, featuring Eva Pigford. She knew it was Zaria, from the ringtone. Taraji sat up in the bed and braced herself for a lecture. "Hello." Zaria paced the floor. "You have a hell of a lot of explaining to do and don't even try to lie to me."
"Hello, Zaria. How are you?"
"No, how the fuck are you? So you drinking now? What in the hell?"
"Zaria, you-"
"And being mean to Tasia. Hell, being mean at all. Taraji, what is going on?"
"Well, if you shut up long enough I could tell you," Taraji snapped. She sighed and ran her hand over the top of her head.

Zaria paused. She'd never heard Taraji talk to her like that. "Zaria I lost my contract. I'm not playing ball."
Zaria flopped into the closest chair.
"Ti, why didn't you call me and tell me? That explains so much."
"I didn't know what to say. It just happened so fast. I was upset, I got drunk. As far as Fantasia, I really feel horrible about that. I really do."
"It's OK. I'm sure she will understand. Taraji, I really wish you would have called me. I haven't heard from you or Mckenna. I'm stuck here, and no one is letting me know what's going on."

"I'm sorry." Taraji stood up. "How is Tasia?" Zaria paused. "Umm, Taraji, are you sitting down?" Taraji froze.
"Zaria what is going on?"
"Fantasia lost her baby."
Taraji's heart dropped. "No! No! Tell me you are playing." Taraji fell back down on her bed. "No, I'm coming home."
"Wait, Ti." Zaria looked up.
"Don't do that. Please, don't even tell her you know."
"Zaria, I have to apologize. Shit, this is all my fault."
"It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself. But right now Fantasia needs to take time to find Fantasia." Taraji knew Zaria was right.
"Tell her I am sorry, OK. I really am."

"Taraji, what are you going to do?"
"Well, I really don't know yet. But I'll have more info tomorrow. Zaria, I'm really, really sorry about Fantasia."
"I know you are. But, Taraji, I know you are going through a lot, but please remember there are better ways than liquor. You don't fucking drink. I can only imagine how you were."
"Trust me, it won't be happening again. But, Z, 1 gotta get up hella early. I'll call you tomorrow with more news."
"OK, babe." Zaria hung the phone up. She thought about Nic. She had never thought the day would come that she'd be doing better than her friends.

She stood up and headed back to Fantasia's room. Zaria
turned the corner and ran into Kendall. "Zaria! Is she ... Tasia.." Kendall frantically spoke. His eyes were bloodshot.
Zaria wrapped her arms around Kendall. He hugged her back. "Kendall, go in and talk to your wife. All the past bullshit doesn't matter anymore. Focus on you and her. Tell Tasia I'll be back to check on her later, OK."
"Thanks, Z."
Zaria smiled. It was the first time Kendall had ever called her Z. She always felt a little out of place around him, knowing that her bestfriend was in love with his woman. In that moment, they were friends.

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