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Thoughts of Fantasia woke Taraji up in the middle of the night. She pulled herself free from Mariah and walked into the living room and sat on Mariah's couch. She couldn't shake the images of Fantasia filling her mind.

She pictured her crying, each tear burning a hole in Taraji's heart. Her heart wanted her to call, but her brain told her no.
Taraji looked around at Mariah's amazing apartment. How did I get here? Taraji questioned herself.

Her life was nothing like it was supposed to be. A part of Taraji wanted to walk out the house, get on a plane, and go back to Florida. Then she thought about what she had waiting in Florida. She had no career there. In New York she had three modeling gigs booked.

In Florida she had Fantasia. But then she remembered that Fantasaia was still very married. In New York she had a beautiful, successful woman helping her to reach heights she never knew existed.

Taraji lay back on the couch. She knew deep in her soul that she had made the right decision. Honey, am I making the right choices? Give me a sign, Taraji thought as she looked up into the darkness. She drifted off to sleep while waiting on the sign.

The sound of Mariah talking on her cell phone woke Taraji up. She realized she was still sleeping on the couch. She looked up to see Mariah fully dressed in a black business suit. Her wild, red hair was pulled back in a precise up-do.
The loud smell of coffee brewing woke her up further. She stood up and walked into the kitchen.

"Yes, well, we can get her twice that amount for sure." Mariah kissed Taraji on her cheek. "Well, that is what we pay you for, make it happen, Jeff." Mariah held the coffee pot up. Taraji shook her head, declining the offer.
Mariah poured a cup of coffee and took a sip. "Well, I'll be in very soon. Have things right when I get there.
Goodbye." Mariah hung the phone up and took a deep breath. "Hey, you."

"I'm sorry about last night." Mariah looked at Taraji. "What are you talking about? Last night was amazing." Taraji thought about the rounds and rounds of sex they had. She felt the need to make up for the awkward moment with Fantasia. "Well, you know, the phone call."
"Taraji, really, it was not a big deal. Again, you are single."
"I know. I just felt it was a bit disrespectful for me to take the call."

Mariah shook her head. "Oh, Taraji, sweetie, you have to give up some of that southern gentleman thing. This is New York. There was nothing disrespectful about it. It wasn't like you were talking to her while I was going down on you. Speaking of, when am I?"
"No time soon." Tataji cut Mariah off. "I give, not receive."
"We'll see about that." Mariah winked. "So are you heading back to the hotel or staying here?"

"I'm going back to check out and get the last of my things. Then I was going to go look around for places."
"Why, Taraji? I said it was fine for you to stay here."
"I just would feel better having my own place."
"I guess. It's kinda foolish though, don't you think? You don't know where you are going to end up next. What if you are sent to Paris or something?"
"I doubt that will happen."
"Well, don't sign anything until I look it over." Mariah took a bite out of a bagel.

Taraji couldn't believe how quickly Mariah could turn on her professional side."Well, I have to run. You want a ride?"
"No, I'll take the subway."
Mariah laughed. "Right. Take a cab."
Mariah pecked Taeaji on her lips and headed out the door.
Denise poured a glass of orange juice and sat down on the couch. She picked up her phone and called Zaria.

"I am so going to kill you," Zaria exclaimed.
"I'm sorry, Z. Things have been crazy."
"You and Mckenna are such sucky friends, you know that. You leave me here to rot away while you are off modeling and hanging out with stars. This is some bullshit."
"Zaria, as soon as I'm settled, you can come visit me."
"Whatever." Taraji listened to Zaria rant about her boring life. She knew deep down Zaria didn't mean it. She loved being a housewife more than anything else.

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