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          Fantasia loved what money could do. Within two hours a company sent a painter to her house to do the easy paint job. He promised a completely new room by the end of the day. She promised an off-the-books bonus if he was right. The loud smell of paint was making her head hurt. Fantasia changed out of her sweats into a pair of 7*7 Nostalgic Luxury Roxanne jeans with a fitted black T-shirt.

Fantasia pulled her hair down out of its ratty ponytail and brushed it until her waves bounced and fell just the way she wanted them. She opened her armoire to find the right jewels to complete her look. She opened the top drawer and nearly lost her breath. Right on top of all her beautiful Tiffany silver was the small charm bracelet that Taraji bought her. She held the bracelet up and put it on her wrist. She could feel Taraji near her. She didn't want to lose the feeling. She closed her armoire and walked out of the room.

Fantasia took a seat in a small artsy café on South Main.
South Main was one of the things she loved about her loft. She was surrounded by art galleries and trendy clothing shops that carried only a few of each product. She could rollerblade or walk up and down the street or head down to the river to think. Zaria was right. If she had to be in Florida, this was the way to do it.

Fantasia stared into her martini glass. The orange slice floated in the glass. She stared until the orange was nothing more than a blur to her. She heard the bell on the door open. There was another customer besides her. She didn't look up to see who would be enjoying her new little safe have, she just stared into the glass.

"Well, isn't this a surprise?" Fantasia glanced up from her drink. She thought she was dreaming. Jonica stood with a big smile on her face. Her dimples deeply inset like the rapper turned preacher turned back rapper, Mase.
Fantasia smiled. "Wow, this is." Fantasia felt herself blushing. She didn't know why. Jonica's look was completely different. She traded the Jordan's and baggy jeans for a professional black pinstriped woman's suit that was perfectly tailored to her body.

"I was walking past the window and something told me to look up, and to my surprise I saw you." Jonica glanced down at the extra chair at Fantasia's table. Fantasia motioned for her to sit down. Jonica sat in the chair, placing her briefcase on the floor. "What are you doing back in Florida?" Taraji entered Fantasia's mind. She shook her head, hoping to shake out Taraji's beautiful face as well.

"Things didn't work out after all."
Jonica's eyes widened. "I'm sorry to hear that." Jonica looked at Fantasia. She cracked a smile.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"There's really nothing to talk about. I made some mistakes and now I'm paying for them." Fantasia forced a smile.
"But I'm dealing with it. And I would rather not focus on it."
Jonica's eyes locked into Fantasia's.
"Well, I am sorry that things didn't work out. I hate that you are not happy. But on the flip side, something great is happening right now."

Fantasia put her elbows on the table. She placed her chin in her hand. "Is that right?" Jonica mimicked Fantasia.
"Yes, it is."
"Do tell."
"Well, with the unfortunate dismissal of the basketball player, I now have the option of giving you this.' Jonica reached in her pocket and pulled out her wallet. She handed Fantasia one of her business cards.
"Oh, so can you give me some laughing gas? I could use it right about now" Fantasia smirked.
"I could, but that's not the route I usually like to take.
Maybe I can make you laugh without the use of drugs."
Jonica smiled.

Fantasia nodded her head in approval.
"So, Miss Fantasia, what do you have planned for the rest of the day?"
"Nothing. They are painting at my loft, so I just wanted to get out for a while. I think I might go shopping or something."
"Well, what do you know? I was just about to go shopping too. Want to check out Indigo Moon?"
"The new store down the way? Sure. Why not? Let me just pay."
"I got it." Jonica walked over to the counter and paid for Fantasia's cocktail.

Fantasia took her last big gulp, she needed the extra boost of alcohol to get her out the door. The two walked down the sidewalk commenting on various artworks and items they saw in the windows of a few galleries and stores. Fantasia made a mental note to check out a dress in one small boutique. She was impressed by Jonica.
"So what type of store is this supposed to be?" Fantasia asked as they approached the neon blue sign.

"My friend owns it, actually. It's really a mix of fashions you really can't find in Florida. I'm sure they carry those jeans you have on right now." Jonica looked Fantasia up and down. "Seven, right?"
"Yes. So you know your labels, I see."
"Yeah, I'm a label whore." Jonica and Fantasia laughed.
"They have the new Jocku line. It's supposed to be this mix of-"
"Couture sporty. I heard about it. Overpriced sweat suits and jeans."
"Well, let's check it out."
The two walked into the urban store. Fantasia's text message went off as soon as she walked into the store.
She looked down at the text.

Zaria's call would have to wait. She was enjoying her company.
Fantasia pressed send and looked up. Alicia Keys and Jay-Z's "New York State of Mind" was blaring over the system.
"There's the Jocku line." Jonica pointed over toward the far wall. Fantasia smiled as she looked in the direction of the store. Her body froze. Her hands began to shake. Fantasia's heart dropped out of her chest at the sight of Taraji's face on the large wall display. It hit her with maximum impact.

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