Control (part 2)

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A/N: This is pretty short compared to the previous part since I didn't originally plan to continue it, but I hope you like it ❤️❤️❤️

Overcome with the sudden kiss, Perth felt like a bucket of mush. All his sense were overrun with the touch and taste of Chimon. Relishing the taste of his Phi was so delightful. It's something he's only experienced a few time during work. But this time was nothing like work. There's no judging eyes, mood lights, or recording cameras focused on them.

Right now it was just lips against lips, hips against hips, hands on each other. Then just as suddenly as it began, Chimon crashing his mouth onto Perth's, it was over.

Chimon pulled away, panting, then hugging the taller man. His entire body was pounding with excitement, anxiety, and lingering annoyance.

A great wave of disbelief and bliss crashed over Perth. It was a tsunami of happiness. Closing his eyes and wrapping his arms around Chimon's waist, he wanted to enjoy this moment. The man he loves, wrapped around him, was the thing he's wanted. This was all beyond his dreams. He couldn't help but smile to himself.

After catching his breath, Chimon shyly said, "I've been wanting to kiss you for real, Perth." His heart was racing at the thought of his next move. He slowly turned his head to whisper in Perth's ear. "I'm sorry I didn't answer right away earlier. I just-"

"It's okay. You don't need to explain," Perth said in weak tone.

"No. Perth, I was just surprised. That's all. I didn't realize that you might want the same thing as me," Chimon said into his ear. His face flushed as his arms tightened around Perth's shoulders.

These words made Perth's breath catch in his throat. The questions of pity were completely gone. The slight buzz from the beer was clearing up. And now, his heart was practically doing flips in his chest.


Gulping down his vulnerability, Perth turned his head towards Chimon. Their nose's grazing against one another, eyes opened to see each other, foreheads only an inch apart.

Perth wanted to tell him how beautiful he is from this close. But instead, he said, "Are you serious?" Perhaps his worries were still splashing through his head without knowing.

"Huh? After that kiss, you're still not sure if I'm serious?" Chimon asked with slight frustration plastered on his face. A tingle of nervousness crawled down his back. Does Perth not believe him?

Perth's eyes sparkled with frailty as he kept his gaze focused on his Phi. "I'm just afraid," he began saying as the zing zoomed through his chest. "I don't want to get my heart broken. I couldn't recover. I don't think I could simply be friends if you're not serious about-"

Cutting him off, Chimon said, "Perth you have no idea how serious I am." Then he softly kissed him again.

Perth closed his eyes and kissed back. This kiss means a thousand different things to him. He wanted this kind of affection from him for so long, it almost hurt.

Moving his lips and loosening his hug, Chimon was fighting a moan from escaping his lungs. His hands found a place in Perth's hair, caressing his head. He was in disbelief at how perfectly their lips seemed to fit together. He wanted more. Slowly, he slipped his tongue into Perth's mouth. He wanted to take control on this man's mouth and his mind and his entire being. He wanted to show him how much he cares.

He could feel Perth's hands traveling up and down his waist. The touch made butterflies circle around in his stomach. The fluttering echoed through his limbs. He wanted more. He needed more of this. He wasn't going to give Perth any reason to question his feelings.

Lost in the kiss, Perth felt Chimon's hands exploring his back and slide down the length of his arms. A chill zipped across his skin. The tiniest invisible hairs stood straight up from this sensation. He liked when Chimon touched him. His phi making the first moves was so enticing. He wanted to freeze time and stay in this moment.

Then, Chimon pulled away from the kiss and slowly opened his eyes. His fingers found Perth's slightly larger hands. As he licked his lips, he looked to Perth who now was gazing at him with half-lidded eyes. "Come," was all he said as he pulled Perth's hands and took a step backwards. His checks were burning with the heat of midsummer temperatures. The butterflies in his stomach kept fluttering about. Slowly, they made their way to Perth's bed, not taking their eyes away from each other.

As they stood at the side of the bed, Chimon's legs pressed against the duvet and wooden frame, Perth lovingly gazed at him. He was lost in the infinite world behind his eyes. His heart pounding, nearly jumping out of his chest, as he looked to the pretty lips that he was just kissing a few moments ago. The way Chimon bit his bottom lip was so sweet but at the same time so seductive, especially from this close. The zing was back and zooming to the palms of his hands where Chimon was touching him. The intense tingle was thrilling.

"I can't explain how much I want you, Tanapon. I know I'm always talking, but this is beyond any words I could string together. You mean so much to me. I could never purposely hurt your heart," Chimon said as his hands began shaking just a little bit. "Please don't question my intentions..." he said as he slowly sat down on the bed. "Because I only want you." Then he pulled Perth's hands to follow him down.

As Chimon laid back, Perth pressed his knees into the mattress on either side of Chimon. His hands moving from Chimon's fingers to slide underneath his shoulder blades. Blood rushed through his body as he became more excited. His ears were flushing as he kept looking at his Phi. The cute smile on his face was so sweet that he could've gotten a cavity just from just looking. Overcome with affection, Perth quickly and softly bit Chimon's right cheek.

"Ahh! Perth!" Chimon exclaimed with a giggle.

Then Perth pecked his cheek several time. "I'm so happy. You're the best person in my life. I never want to let you out of my sight." Then, overcome with a push of strong eagerness, he rubbed his chin against his neck.

Chimon was wiggling and giggling from the ticklish acts. "Perth, you're too crazy."

"I'm too crazy in love with you," he said as he kissed Chimon.

Their lips glued together, melting into their embrace, and reaching beyond the depth of their friendship to something more.

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