Start Over (Tom Kaulitz) 🧽

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Y/N is always bullied all through her middle school years by one boy. Tonight was high school back to school night, she was a freshman now. Y/N was fine, searching for her locker and classes until...



i glance down at the number. A201. where could that be? i walk down the hall to the a-pod where a teacher told me, carefully stepping down the hall. friends rush past me, yelling. older boys laugh loudly in the halls, giving me chills. i have to go to school with them? i hope they aren't like him.

i glance at the room number i approach, it's this one! my hand shakily reaches for the handle, pulling it open. only 2 other girls are in here. a sigh of relief passes from my lips as i walk to meet the teacher. a tall woman, she didn't look nice. but oh well. i smile up at her, she flashes a fake one down. continuing her speech about her class.


I catch myself scanning the crowd of people for this girl. where is she? i can't find her, i just want to apologize though. over the summer, i came to my senses. my family helped with that. she's sweet, and pretty. i don't know what i was thinking to bully her for so long. 3 years straight i taunted the poor girl. she was my best friend in primary school. we did everything together, and i even had a crush on her.

but soon i met a boy, Andre, who persuaded me and i began to hurt her. everyday i said or did something that i know scarred her. i've hit her before, yelled, even fought her. the guilt builds up even more as i walk down the halls im search of her. i know she'll never forgive me. and i hope that Andre isn't here, because i know he hasn't changed. but i have, for the better. i hope we can start a new relationship this school semester, i hope she forgives me.


seriously? band class? i've had it all through middle school and it was hell, i hope this isn't the same. i make my way to the room i remember from open house, scanning around me in the process. no sign yet, i'm safe. i can't bare to see either one of them, they're horrible. i turn the corner, noticing some other group of girls making their ways to the band room.

i hope they're nice, i need friends. i fix my jean skirt a little, tucking my hair behind my ear as i pull on the handle. i keep my eyes low, just in case. girls giggle and laugh, boys joke. the teacher is no where in sight, but there is at least 30 people in here. and this room is huge. i feel my stomach tighten, like i should be aware of something.

an ominous feeling slithers down my back, i jolt around. no one. that was weird, but i will ignore it. it could be first night jitters. i observe the room, lots of lockers for instruments, a podium for the teacher, chairs all aligned. it all looked so familiar, maybe it wouldn't be so bad.



i call out for her the second i see her, my heart jumping. her whole body freezes, i gulp. hoping she won't run from me. but i know her too well, she wouldn't embarrass herself on a first night. her body slowly spins to face me, fear written all over her face. i approach her slowly with a smile, but i can tell she's not getting the same vibe i hoped i was putting off.

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