The Rescue of 1

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The wind is whipping my face as I travel towards One. My flying legacy is very limited, probably one of my most limited legacies. I can travel at a maximum speed of 150-200 miles an hour, and, whilst that sounds fast, the top speed of any other Logic, with a flying legacy, would be around the region of 700mph or even higher with the right training. It's an insane legacy. I also have limited abilities in terms of altitude, a regular Garde would be able to fly at any height as long as they are still in the gravitational pull of the particular planet they are on. I, on the other hand, can only fly at about 10,000ft. I have been flying for several hours so should be nearing my destination soon.

I fly over Malaysia and soon spot the airport. Their plane was heading to Sibu Airport, it's not a particularly large airport so this should make it easier for me to keep a tab on them, unfortunately, that also means it will be easier for the Mogs, I just hope I can stay one step ahead of them. I don't have to sit in the airport for long before I see them arrive, trying to blend in with the crowd, the Mogs don't seem to have got on the same flight as them but they will be around. One boards a small bus, with her Cêpan, heading towards the Rajang river. I don't get on the bus, if the Mogs are around I can't risk them seeing me. Instead, I stay in the fringes of the forest and glide along, keeping close to the floor. My slightly enhanced eyesight allows me to penetrate the thick layers of the trees to see the bright yellow bus as it trundles along the bumpy road. After about an hour they both climb out, as the bus pulls away they glance around furtively and then walk off into the jungle, One trailing nervously behind her Cêpan. 

I follow carefully behind them, keeping my distance so that I don't alarm them. They have been walking for a few hours, the jungle humidity is intense and I regret not bringing any supplies, my mouth is dry and I have sweat streaming down my back, but I keep focused on my targets. The butterflies that began in my stomach the moment I saw them land, have been plaguing me as I walk. I can't help but think I don't know if I'm ready for this, what if it goes wrong? What about the other Garde? One of them could be doing something stupid right now! I remind myself that as long as one lives the others should be safe from harm. As for my abilities...I have much less faith in them than I have in the logic charm. A small voice in the back of my head is screaming at me to just grab them and run, to just get out of here but I know its too risky, the Mogs could turn up at any minute and if One wasn't here they would know that someone was helping them, and I can't risk that, not yet. 

Finally, Ones' Cêpan stops at a rickety old house, it's perched on the edge of the river, supported by massive stilts to protect it during high tide. They put the small amount of luggage they were carrying up in the house. I sneak closer staying hidden in the foliage watching the house and scanning the forest for any movement. From what I can see there is nothing out of the ordinary, just the occasional flash of a birds wing and the screech of a monkey. There's some quiet taking and then One walks out the door. Despite years of looking out for her on CCTV, this is the first time I have noticed her defining features. As she walks down the stairs her long blonde hair falls over her square shoulders and her blue eyes flash as she glances out into the forest, checking for signs of movement. I duck down into the shrubs watching One make her way towards the river. She picks up some stones with her telekinesis and twirls them above her head. There is an element of sadness in her actions, that's until she shoots them across the river until they smash against the bank on the other side. Judging by the suns reflection on the river the sun will be setting in a few hours. Now is my time to move. 

I jump over the bush I was crouched behind and stalk towards the house, treading carefully on the leaf strewn ground, trying not to make any loud noise. I fly quickly up the stairs and listen at the door, I can hear her Cêpan shuffling around inside. I stand there for a minute hand raised ready to knock on the door. This is the beginning. I have thought about the different ways I was a going to do this, but I still don't know how her Cêpan is going to react, she could stab me in the chest before I even get a chance to explain my self. Oh well, it has to be done. I knock very lightly on the door and wait.

The shuffling inside stops suddenly. I listen and strain my hearing, I hear her pick up something, most likely a weapon, and head over to the door, I understand she wants to feel protected but...does she honestly believe a Mog would knock? The door opens a crack and I see a big brown eye look at me. She looks up and down my body taking in my muddy and sweat-stained clothes. She opens the door a tad wider, allowing me to see her whole face, she looks about 50 in human years but she's probably much older than that. She then looks around, checking that I'm alone before she asks in a tired voice.

"Can I help you? 

My voice catches in my throat for a second. I look to the side, lean in close and say quietly.

"I need to talk to you about umm..*cough ...Lorien" the last word is barely a whisper, but she must have understood what I said because the next thing I know she has grabbed me by the scruff of my t-shirt, dragged me into the hut, slammed me up against the wall and has a knife digging into my abdomen. Well this could have gone better, could be worse, but still...could be better.  

"Who are you!? and who sent you!?" she growls. Narrowing her eyes and baring her teeth. I'm acutely aware of the knife piercing my skin and creating a small patch of blood on my t-shirt. I could easily overpower her with my legacies but if I'm trying to gain her trust I can't put her in a position where she could feel threatened. I look her straight in the eye.

"My name is Talli, my parents were Athra and Enoch of Lorien, and I was sent here by Pittacus Lore." I say earnestly.

She looks at me for a second and then takes a step back as recognition forms on her face. Everyone on Lorien had heard about my mission on Earth, but she still seems cautious, keeping her knife raised. I let out a breath I hadn't realised I was holding in. 

"Prove it." She demands."Show me your Legacies." 

I nod my head, close my eyes, and focus. I feel my body shift and change, contorting and writhing. When I open them I'm no longer looking straight at Ones' Cêpan, instead, I'm looking up at her. The form that I have chosen is a small dachshund, with a shimmering golden brown coat. I blink up at her and she looks at me and tears begin forming in her eyes. I instantly allow my body to return to its normal shape. 

My limitation on this Legacy is that I can only hold the form if I really concentrate. Holding a form is like stretching an elastic band out of position, returning is like letting it snap back into shape. Even when I concentrate I can still only hold a form for a short amount of time. 

I stand there, unsure whether to approach. 

"I can't believe it..." she says in a reverent voice. She rushes forward to hug me. "Talli...I can't believe your here" I smile. Thank God she hasn't killed me.

"I thought we were the last alive.  How are you alive? Weren't you on Lorien? " She pulls away tears streaming down her cheeks but a smile on her lips.

I shake my head "I have been here for years, once I was sent away on my mission I was never brought back to Lorien, I have been gathering research on the humans for years. After the attack, I was instructed to protect the remaining Loric in any way I could..."

I suddenly remember why I came and the urgency of the situation. I put her at arm's length.

"We will have plenty of time to catch up later but right now you and One are in serious danger. The Mogs have found you, they are on their way right now and I'm here to save you. Let me explain my plan, and we might just make it out of here alive."  

I am number zero (I am Number Four Fan-fiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon