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Thump. Thump.     Thump. Thump.

My heat beats strong in my chest. I yawn and stretch, rubbing my eyes with the back of my hand. I make a few noises like a baby dinosaur as I continue my stretches, waiting for the haze of sleep to clear. The fog of sleep fades and I sit bolt upright, so fast that a wave of light headedness rushes over me, accompanied by tears. Hilde... she's gone... 

What do I do? What do I do? what do I do?! I can't do this alone She's gone and I'm God knows where without any money, supplies and my loric chest?! Oh God my Loric chest! The Mogs probably have it by now?! I'm in some Mog base oh God what to I do...?!  Pull yourself together for the love of God!

I breathe. I need to calm down. 

On the plus side they haven't killed you...yet.... 

I think to myself. 

Hilde didn't leave you completely untrained and unprepared you can get out of here. Step 1: survey and analyse your surroundings. 

Shaking my head in an attempt to calm down, I begin to look around and it's only now that I fully appreciate where I am being held.

The walls and carpet of this huge room are plain white, a stark contrast to the deep red duvets that engulf and surround me where I sit huddled on the large oak bed, there is also a single dark wood dresser with a mirror and what appears to be a walk in wardrobe and en suite. This must be the fanciest prison on the planet what are these Mogs playing at... 

I move to get out of bed. There are no shackles or restraints and I'm not sure whether to be pleased or insulted; pleased because this makes my life easier or insulted that they don't even think I'm strong enough to need restraints. As I stand I notice I'm not wearing my sweaty blood stained jungle clothes but rather some tracksuit trousers and a large baggy white t-shirt. What are these Mogs tying to do kill me with kindness? I bet it's all part of their convoluted plan to convert me to their side. 

I shuffle across the floor towards the door on unsteady legs, I must've been out for a while to be this shaky. Just as I'm reaching for the chrome handle of the door it moves. I make to jump back to defend myself but end up tripping over my legs and landing flat on my arse. I look up with my deadliest death stare at the ready, expecting to see the hideous, grotesque form of a Mog looming over me, but the person that greets me could not be described in any way as 'grotesque' or 'hideous'. The person in question is a beautiful, small, blonde girl with sparking blue eyes, her build is muscular and toned but still a little squishy and she can't have been older than 18. She takes one look at me on the floor and bursts into peals of laughter, the tray of food she's holding in her hands shakes as she tries to control herself. I stare defiantly at her as, still giggling to herself, she kicks the door shut, sets the tray down and walks over to me. 

"Are you ok down there?" She chuckles, beaming at me and offers me her hand.  

I take it reluctantly, at least if she helps me I won't fall over again. 

"My name is Talli" she announces in a strong British accent "I know you have no clue about who I am but I'm on your side" 

I laugh without humour. 

'A Mog on our side, you must be joking.' I sneer at her 'I don't know what you think you're playing at but none of this is going to work on me you Mogadorian scum' I spit the last word at her. 

To my surprise she laughs at me, harder and louder than she did before, she's gasping for breath clutching her side as laughter racks her body. I eye the tray of food she had put down when she came to help me up, in particular the knife. If I can stab her hard enough that might give me enough time to make a break for it. I dive for the knife and turn, wielding my newly acquired weapon at my captor. She stops laughing and stares at me, an amused expression on her face. 

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