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The arena jumps to life as Tali begins to press buttons, programming a training session. She has put on her own suit, I don't blame her, it's far more comfortable and flattering than any clothes I have ever owned. Her suit is pitch black. There are no marking or designs just black. She has no sleeves, showing off her well toned arms, but full legs and a high neck. She has a utility belt of some sorts, holsters on each thigh, and one on her right calf, but nothing to store weapons on her upper body.

She absentmindedly brushes her blonde bangs out of her face as she finishes off her programming. When she's done she steps back smiling, gesturing for me to enter the arena. I nervously step into the third arena and look around. The metal floor has changed to a grassy field and on the far side of the arena is a bright red pole about 30cm in diameter, with a white line directly down the middle.

"This," she says "is some basic target practice. So far, you only know of two of your legacies; Terric, and Telekinesis."

"Terric?" I ask skeptically. "All I did was create waves?"

She grins " oooooh no. That's not all you did. Whilst there are some Garde who can only create shock waves you have a much stronger legacy. When properly controlled you are able to emit vibrations that will allow you to not only create the seismic/shock waves you can already make, but induce full-on earthquakes, allow you to burrow through materials by creating vibrations fast enough to displace materials, but also disintegration of enemy's by shaking matter to pieces. It's a rare and difficult legacy to control, but has many uses. I analysed your legacy when I rescued you." She smiles and shrugs. I stand with my mouth open.

"So, we are going to start by refining the waves you create so that the waves don't necessarily tear the ground apart but can instead create vibrations in one particular desired place. That pole on the far side of the arena is your target. I want you to channel your vibrations to not only hit the target but also split it straight up that central white line. You will have to adjust your intensity, as well as the distance of your vibrations. I don't expect you to get it the first time, visualise your legacy and concentrate."

I move further into the arena. I can feel Tali and Hildi watching me. I place my feet firmly on the ground. Then, uncertainly, I lift up my right foot and stamp. The wave that escapes was as effective as a plaster on a missing limb, that is to say, not very. It traveled about 1 meter and made the smallest of cracks in the ground. I turn around just as Hildi erupts into laughter. Tali, on the other hand, shakes her head and speaks.

"I don't want to see you stamp your foot. Stamping your foot will cause shock waves and tear the ground apart. Maybe I wasn't clear before. The ground in between you and the pole should remain untouched, the only part of the arena that should show evidence of your legacy working is the pole. Feel your legacy visualise it, the way it moves and only destroy the pole. Nothing else."

I nod my head. Right...only touch the pole, how the hell is that going to work!? I change my stance planting my feet next to each other. Ok....visualise... I close my eyes and send out waves, the ground shakes softly at first and then suddenly cracks explode from me as the ground crumbles and I lose my balance.

When the dust settles I'm lying down in a crater or my own creation, covered in dust and grass.

"Climb out so that I can reset the arena" Tali calls.

I stand and brush some of the dust off and begin to climb up the side of the crater. How the hell am I meant to do this!!? The moment I step out the arena Tali presses a button on the control panel and the floor resets, filling in the crater and new grass growing. Tali pats me reassuringly on the shoulder and I step back in and walk a few paces. I turn back looking for guidance.

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