It's Time

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I allow my legs to collapse as the weight of the day crashes down on me. Having exhausted most of my anger on smashing rocks against the bank I'm left with a hollow emptiness. How could I have been so foolish? So blinded by love as to do something so idiotic!?  Shop lifting?! Seriously, that is so not me.

An aching numbness has spread through my body, originating from the hole in my chest. I feel as though you could look at me and where there should be a heart is a gaping hole allowing people so see through my very soul. I should feel sad, remorseful, scared even, but its just so much easier to feel nothing.

The sun begins to set on the glistening river and even the warmth of the dying sun can't bring me back to life. I have resigned myself to a lonely existence here in the middle of fucking-nowhere.  I close my eyes and try to coax my body back up, back into action. But its no use I can feel the black numbness as it twists through my body tearing my insides apart but at the same time holding me together...

When I open my eyes again the sun has gone down and the stars are out. You can see far more stars here than anywhere I have been. Looking up at the universe in all its glory its hard not to feel puny and insignificant, after all we are smaller than a grain of sand in the great expanse of the universe. 

"How..." I whisper sadly staring up above. "How could you possibly think that nine kids are enough to save an entire race huh!? 


I feel my remaining anger bubbling inside.

"Answer me Pittacus! You have abandoned us! Everyone has abandoned us! Theres no one fucking left! I bet there aren't even any Mogs and this is someones idea of a sick twisted joke!" 

I stand up, running my hands through my hair and taking a deep breath. I then glance around feeling the numbness return to me and begin to head back up towards the house, if a run down shack on stilts can really be classified as a house.

When I push open the door my Cêpan, Hilde, is already in bed. I crawl onto my hammock style bed fully clothed and try to drift off to sleep but to no avail. I roll onto my side and stare at Hilde curled up in her hammock, I can hear her gentle breathing and watch as her greying hair blows in the breeze. Hilde's peace allows the wave of exhaustion I had been holding off the crash down on me. 

1 or 2 days later 

Hilde hasn't been herself, she has been making plans to go into Kuala Lumpur soon to get out some money but the plans are vague, not her usual point by point, minute by minute plan. She also hasn't been pushing me to train as much as she used to, not that I mind, I love being able to to what I want when I want, but it just doesn't feel right. I guess my last screw up has just been too big, maybe she has given up? Maybe I finally broke her...

I return to my task at hand, coming down to the river to practice my telekinesis has quickly become my new favourite activity. Twisting rocks in the air, hurtling them like bullets through the forest. Using some mud and a fallen tree, I have managed to make a target to practice aiming with, and after sharpening up some branches I now have weapons to throw. I launch my last branch, it hits the edge of the target, the only one of the 10 I made to actually make contact with the tree. I sigh and walk forward to collect my sticks. As I walk I notice the sun dip behind the tree line, the end of another day already. 

I change direction and head up to the shack where I can smell cooking. Hilde gives me a friendly smile when I walk in. I grab the cutlery and she serves up the food. We eat in silence, I seem to have lost the ability to communicate with her, its like she doesn't know who I am or what to do with me. I clear my plate and felling the tendrils of tiredness tug on my eyes I collapse in my hammock and fall asleep, after all, what else is there to do around here. 

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