The Training Area

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One's POV

"So One" Tali says to me "now's your chance to pick a new name, bare in mind that the name you choose will most likely be the name you're stuck with for the rest of your life so choose wisely. You don't have to decide on the spot but have a think about it. For now lets give you the grand tour."

We walk out of my room into a massive square hallway. The floor is covered in soft carpet, the walls are white with large oak beams and beautiful brightly coloured paintings of landscapes. There are 10 doors all around the edge that look similar to mine and opposite me is another hallway.

"This is where the grade will stay" Tali explains, "each grade has a room already waiting for them. Exactly the same as yours, to prevent arguments" she winks at me. "Hopefully you won't be alone here for too long I'm sure the other Garde will be joining us soon."

She walked across and headed down the corridor that soon opened up and we came to a balcony that led to, and looked over, an enormous dual sloping staircase, with the corridor continuing in the opposite direction.

That direction is where the Cepans will be staying, I'm sorry I know you're away from each other at the moment but once everyone else arrives it will be packed and we need organisation." she laughed. Then suddenly she disappeared from in front of me and reappeared at the top of the stairs beaming at us. Hildi and I chase after her smiling and laughing, its amazing to finally meet someone who is happy to openly use their powers.

"I'll show you the rest of the house later but right now were gonna head straight to the training facilities"

She walks up to the wall on the opposite side to the stair case, she briefly glances around at us to check that we are watching and then steps through the wall. I turn to Hildi, both our our faces showing the same shocked and excited expression, and we then walk up to the wall, I tentatively put my hand out in front of me and place it gently on the wall, I feel a soft hum and slowly begin to push my fingers hard against the wall, the tips disappear, and then the palm and then I'm staring at only half an arm. What is this? Its insane! Suddenly my hand is grabbed from the other side and I'm dragged through the wall and Hildi follows behind.

When we come through the other side I have to hold onto my stomach to try and suppress the wave of nausea that hit like a tonne of bricks. I look over at Hildi and she's doing the same thing and panting heavily.

"It will pass" I hear Tali calling from up ahead a smile evident in her voice. "After you have gone through a few times you won't feel anything."

'Why do we feel so sick?' I question, my voice breaking as I try and hold in a wave of vomit.

"Its a very special wall that I designed, its a teleportation device. The training facilities are built under the house to allow us to escape from them if necessary. So naturally the first time your body goes through something like that its going to feel a little funny afterwards, after all it was split up into a million pieces, moved to another location, and then put back together.' She grins The idea of being split into pieces is not helping my nausea. 'Plus, on the off chance that a Mog were to follow us down here, the hope is that they would be incapacitated long enough for us to escape.'

I feel the sickness start to pass and straighten up, Hildi seems to be taking a little longer to recover. Thats probably to do with age... I look around and notice we are in a dark and cave-like place, but I can see bright flood lights up ahead, as I walk towards them I hear hildi come up behind me. She touches me gently on the shoulder and I turn to look at her.

"I'm sorry about the past few days" she says softly "I was only looking out for you, now we have a chance at a fresh start and I'm going to help you become the best Garde you can be" I smile and nod at her pulling her into a hug.

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