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By Winterstar5

The title comes directly from the title of the original Korean folktale I discovered that inspired me. Very simply put, it is about the daughter of a logger, and a phantom. The title just really stuck. For a short while, I tried out variations, but the English translation of the original title just really fits. I think it would be really cool if my story lead to people looking into Korean folktales, culture, and history. (You may even find the one that inspired me.)

There are a few key things I kept (or adapted) from the original version, such as the father's profession, white cocks, and white dogs. From there though I deviate greatly. I also decided I needed to create a fictional world influenced by Korean history and culture. From there I built up my own mythology, borrowing what I liked from Korea, and creating my own.

I would say The Logger's Daughter and the Phantom is a tale about hope, faith, and love.

A/N: If you like the title, be sure to click the star! THE LOGGER'S DAUGHTER AND THE PHANTOM sounds amazingly dynamic and I've added it to my Reading List. Head on over to Winterstar5's profile in the dedication and check it out.

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