Chapter 65

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**Alex’s POV**


I rub the cream into my hand and bandage it up. It’s feeling so much better already. I meet Fred at breakfast and he holds out a small parcel.

“Remus said to remember to leave your hand unbandaged at night and let the water run over it in the shower,” he says, “he said you have to rub the gel in while you’re showering and that it can hurt, but just to do it.”

“Thanks,” I say, tucking the package into my bag, “sleep well?”

“Yeah,” Fred shrugs, “you?”

“Better than I have in ages,” I reply, “moving my hand is almost bearable. So don’t go getting detention.”

He half smiles at me.

“I won’t,” he says.

“Well, look who the cat dragged in,” Scarlett says, sitting down next to me, “how’s the hand?”

“Better,” I reply.

“Good, Ange wants you back on the team,” she says.

“I told her no,” I groan.

“I know,” Scarlett says, “but I won’t do it, and with two hopeless beaters, an awful keeper and one chaser who is… Pathetic, she’s at her wits end.”

“Nope,” I shake my head, “I have too much to worry about this year.”

“Pssh, like what?”

“Uh, like being Head Girl, doing NEWTs and figuring out what to do with my life,” I retort, “anyway, why didn’t she ask me?”

“She’s planning on it,” Scarlett says, “I think she wanted to get some flowers and other forms of bribery.”

“Tell her not to bother.”

“Will do.”

Scarlett walks away with a piece of toast in her hand. Fred is watching me.

“I thought you wanted to play Quidditch,” he comments. I shrug, chewing on some bacon.

“You’ve got to get over this “I’ll never be good enough!” thing,” he says, “you’re good. Not great, I’ll admit, but you have potential.”

“Me and everyone else in the world,” I mutter. Fred sighs.

“Fine, give up your dream, lots of people would be scared to go after it,” he says, “we should head to Defence.”

“I’m not scared,” I say.

“Whatever,” he shrugs, “let’s go.”

“I’m not scared!” I repeat, “I’m not.”

“Alright,” he says lightly, walking away.

“I’m not,” I huff, following him up to Defence. Outside Angelina is talking with Alicia, looking worried. Scarlett comes over to me.

“Well, she’s disappointed, but she’ll live,” Scarlett says, “apparently the third year they had as chaser dropped out. She’s organising trials, but unless Adam will play this weekend, they’ll have to forfeit.”

I walk over to Angelina.

“I heard you’re looking for a chaser,” I say.

“Yeah,” she sighs, “Adam won’t, so we’ll have to do trials again. Waste of time…”

“I’ll do it,” I say. Angelina looks surprised, but hopeful.

“Really?” she asks. I nod and she flings her arms around my next.

“You’re the BEST!” she squeals, “I owe you big time!”

“You’ll have to give me extra training, and my hand won’t be fully healed for this weekend,” I warn her. She grins.

“It’s better than forfeiting,” she says.


Scarlett, Fred, George and I are sitting in the Common Room after dinner, going over our potions essays together when Carma climbs in through the portrait hole and rushes over to Scarlett.

“We’ve had a letter from your Mum,” she says, sitting down next to Fred, “and look, she sent us pictures of Joshua.”

“Aw, look at him!” Scarlett croons, “he’s so sweet!”

Carma shows me a picture of a baby boy chewing on a rattling. As I watch he drops the rattle and grabs for his toes. He has a tuft of red hair and brown eyes.

“He’s cute,” I say, “who is he?”

“He’s our brother,” Scarlett says, “but George and I are adopting him, so he’s sort of our son now. He’ll be raised knowing us as his parents. Molly is taking care of him while we finish school.”

I know better than to question this, so I just smile and look at the other pictures. Joshua always either has something in his mouth or is reaching for something to put in his mouth.

“He’s adorable,” I say, “look at his little toes! He even looks like you, Scar.”

“Same squashed nose,” Fred teases. Scarlett pokes her tongue out at him.

“I think he’s the most beautiful boy in the world,” she breathes.


Officially 19 today!! So old Lol :P Hope you enjoyed the chapter!! Please comment, I L.O.V.E comments!! ♥

Finally Me ~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang