Chapter 72

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**Alex’s POV**


“Please let it have been a dream,” I whisper, keeping my eyes closed, “please don’t let them have arrived yet.”

I get out of bed and look in the mirror. My hair is sticking up on one side and I have panda eyes. I drag myself to the bathroom and shower. I get into some shorts, tuck my wand into the waist band and pull on a tank top then head to the kitchen for breakfast. There’s a blonde sitting at the table and I have to supress a sigh.

So it wasn’t a dream.

“Good morning,” I say politely. Tahlia ignores me completely. I roll my eyes and pour myself some cereal. I sit down opposite her and start to eat. She’s pouring over a wedding dress book.

“Morning, little chicken,” Michael says, walking in and ruffling his hair, “what’re you girls talking about?”

“Oh, girl things,” Tahlia says, smiling up at Michael. I stare at her in disbelief.

“That’s great,” Michael smiles, sitting down with a bowl of cereal, “what’re the plans for today, babe?”

“Dress shopping,” Tahlia says, “Tiffany and I are going to look for bridesmaid dresses.”

“Oh, just the two of you?” Michael says pointedly. Tahlia frowns.

“Mike,” she sighs, “come on.”

I try to ignore this, wishing I wasn’t here.

“Tahl, she’s my sister.”

Tahlia groans. I wish I could just apparate out of here.

“Alex, would you like to come?” Tahlia says in a voice that clearly states she doesn’t want me there. I look at Michael who gives me an encouraging smile.

“I… Uhhh…” I’m racking my brains for an excuse when Tahlia screams. An owl has swooped in the window and landed on the table.

“GET IT OUT! GET IT OUT!” she screams, flapping her hands at it. The owl hoots at her disdainfully and holds its leg out towards me. I see the Hogwarts seal and start shaking. I untie the letter and the owl swoops out again. Tahlia has stopped screaming and Michael has his arm around her, talking to her soothingly. Mum comes racing in looking concerned.

“What’s wrong? What’s happened?” she asks.

“An owl!” Tahlia cries, “a huge owl!”

“Huge?” I laugh, “oh, wait until you meet Archie.”

“What was it doing?” Tahlia yells, “it gave you a letter?”

“Tahl, calm down,” Michael says, “look, there’s something about Alex that I have to tell you.”

“Michael, no!” I cry, “you can’t!”

“Alex, she’s my fiancé, she has to know!” Michael argues.

“No, Michael, she can’t know!”

“What is going on?” Tahlia yells, leaping up, “Michael? Explain!”

“Michael, you can’t tell her, it’s too dangerous! Especially now!” I exclaim. Michael looks at me calmly, then gestures for Tahlia to take her seat. Tahlia sits down, looking confused and angry.

“Alex, she’s part of the family,” Michael says, “Tahlia, you can’t tell anyone this, okay?”

“Tell anyone what?” Tahlia asks.

Finally Me ~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon