Chapter 83

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**Alex's POV**

"- and the search continues for missing schoolgirl, Luna Lovegood. If anyone has any information, don't bother contacting the Ministry or the Death Eaters, but anyone else is probably a-okay! This is Ranch, signing out."

George turns the radio off and sits back, rubbing his eyes.

"Well, that's done," he sighs. I ruffle his hair lightly.

"Come on, Scarlett and Fred should be back with the tree," I say.

We walk outside into the snow and I immediately start to shiver. The snow is covering our shoes as we trudge towards the house.

"I pity anyone who is stuck out in this!" George yells over the wind, grabbing my arm to steady me as I slip slightly. We duck into the kitchen, stomping snow from our shoes. Fred and Scarlett call us into the lounge room where they're decorating the tree.

"Can I put the star on top?" I ask, rushing in, "it's my... year..."

I falter, looking down at my shoes. Usually my brothers and I would be fighting over whose year it is to put the star on the tree. The last time it was my year was when I was three, but I usually got to put it on. This time it really is my year, but somewhere across the sea they're putting stars on top of their own trees, not evening knowing that I exist.

Fred hands me the star and squeezes my hand. I climb up on the lounge and place it on the top of the tree. I hear Mrs Weasley sigh from behind us.

"Family should be together on Christmas," she says. I jump down and lean against Fred.

"We're a family," I say, taking Scarlett's hand, "a bit mismatched, but a family nonetheless."

Scarlett plants a kiss on the top of my head.

"War always tears families apart," she says, "but it also makes new ones."

Mrs Weasley smiles.

"I have to say, it's nice having you two here," she says, "and it's good for Ginny to have some girls around, I'm sure you know how it is."

I nod and give Fred a nudge in the ribs. He smiles down at me. Mrs Weasley looks at us all fondly then sighs.

"Well, I'd best get onto dinner for tomorrow," she says, "you won't feed yourselves! And there's hot chocolate in the kitchen."

Scarlett and I make the boys get the hot chocolate while we sit in front of the fire and make a nest of blankets. The boys return and we all cuddle up in front of the warm flames, sipping the sweet, hot drink.

"I feel like it was only moments ago that we were kids, playing truth and dare and spin the bottle," I sigh, "now everything has changed."

"We could still play spin the bottle," Fred says teasingly. I roll my eyes.

"You just want Scarlett and I to make out," I say. He laughs and tugs a strand of my hair.

"I wouldn't mind that," Scarlett says, winking at me. I laugh and nudge her with my shoulder.

"You're a goose," I tell her.

"Should we put presents under the tree?" George asks.

"No," I say, "I'm going to go to sleep for a little while."

"Me too," Scarlett agrees. We settle down with our heads on their knees and I stares ino the flames as Fred brushes my hair with his fingers.


Sorry it's short, battery dying!! Will upload soon! Hope you like it! Vote, comment, let me know what you think!!

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