Chapter 7

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**Alex’s POV**

“We’re doomed,” Scarlett groans, sitting down in between Carma and I.

“Quidditch didn’t go too well then?” I ask, scribbling out a sentence in my essay.

“Failure. Complete failure,” Scarlett says, “not one of the people who showed up could fly, let alone catch a snitch while flying.”

“So who did Oliver choose?” Carma asks.

“Nobody yet,” Scarlett sighs, “he said he’ll let them know.”

“Shame,” I mutter, “I’d have liked to see Gryffindor win this year.”

“Hey, ladies,” Tobias says, sitting down on the arm of my chair, “first Hogsmeade visit coming up at the end of October. Did you see the notice?”

“Yeah,” Scarlett says, “the weekend before Halloween.”

“You got dates yet?”

“No,” Scarlett scoffs, “why would we have dates? I’m going to have fun.”

“Exactly,” Tobias winks. He slides off the arm and struts away to sit with Tommy and Adam.

“He is such a sleaze,” I mutter, watching them.

“He’s revolting,” Scarlett agrees, “anyway, Fred, George and I have some things to do, so excuse me.”

Soon after Scarlett has walked away Felicity takes her seat.

“Well?” she demands. I sigh. I am never going to get this essay done.

“He said he doesn’t know, he hasn’t thought about it,” I tell her, “and that he’s just interested in pranks.”

“So, that’s a maybe,” Felicity says, “a maybe verging on yes.”

“Uh, actually I think it was more of a no.”

She ignores me and starts fiddling with her hair, staring into the fire.

“I’m going to ask him to go to Hogsmeade with me,” she decides, “do you know where he is?”

“Off with Scarlett,” Carma replies, seeing that I’m too appalled to speak, “they’re pranking, I think.”

“What is with her?” Felicity asks, “she’s such a flirt.”

“She doesn’t like them like that,” I snap. Felicity laughs.

“Yes she does,” she says, “haven’t you seen the way she’s always brushing up against them?”

“They’re friends,” Carma says calmly, “that’s all.”

“Whatever,” Felicity sighs, flicking her hair, “I’m going to find Fred and ask him out.

“Poor Fred,” Carma whispers as Felicity walks away. I nod in agreement.

“Three days until Hogsmeade!” Scarlett sings, skipping around us. I laugh at her as she falls onto the grass and closes her eyes, basking in the sun.

“Everyone is coupling up,” I say, “it’s weird.”

“Urgh, I know,” Scarlett grimaces, “Fred is going with Felicity.”

“Got her claws into him, did she?” I laugh, leaning cross-legged against a tree.

“Hey ladies.”

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