Chapter 41

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**Alex’s POV**

Please!” I beg, “Mum, you have to let me go!”

“No Alex,” Mum says, shaking her head, “Grandma only visits once every five years, you’re not missing it.”

“But Mum, Britain hasn’t hosted the World Cup in years!” I plead, dropping to my knees, “PLEASE?”

Mum shakes her head stubbornly and I groan.

“MUM!” I wail.

“Alex, STOP!” she yells, “you’re sixteen! It’s time you grew up.”

I stomp into my room and sit at my desk. There’s an open letter there that I got from Fred this morning telling me about the tickets for the Quidditch match and how I could stay with them for the rest of the holidays. His Dad could even connect my house to the Floo network so I can get there easily.

Sadly, Mum also got Grandma’s letter about her impending visit. Don’t get me wrong, I love my grandma, but this is the Quidditch World Cup.

I write a quick letter to Fred explaining why I can’t come and look over at Errol. He’s collapsed on my bed. I poke him and he opens one eye. There’s no way he’s ready to fly back to the Burrow and Archibald is out hunting. I sigh and flop down on my bean bags. This afternoon I should be heading to the Burrow, but instead I’m going to be spending it sitting with my Grandma.

I should explain. My Grandma had four kids. My Mum, Uncle Roger, Aunt Ricki and Uncle Thomas. Uncle Thomas’ kids are Thomas Jr, Jesse and Isaac, Aunt Ricki’s kids are Carlise, Reece, Mark and Joseph. Uncle Roger has Edward, Ralph, Jacob and Jackson. Out of twenty-six grandchildren she has one granddaughter. Me. Her greatest delight in life is to drag me shopping. She’s a rich old lass and she has the motto “You can’t take it with you, so you might as well use it” which means every five years when she visits I end up with a whole new wardrobe.

You might think I’m complaining about this too much. I mean, who doesn’t want a rich old grandmother who buys them whatever they want? The thing is she doesn’t take me to normal shops. She likes to dress me like a Russian princess. High collars, petticoats and clip on earrings are her style. In other words, not matter how much she buys, I can’t wear any of it.

“Alex! Can you change the sheets in Michael and Tyler’s room!” Mum calls. I drag myself up and to the linen cupboard. Most of the boys don’t come home during Summer vacation. They say the transport is too expensive, but really they just like the freedom. However, now that Grandma is coming, they all are too. I know it’s only for a week, but really, I would prefer they didn’t.

“Where’s Grandma sleeping?” I ask after changing the sheets.

“I’m going to set up a camp bed in your room,” Mum says, “you can sleep there and she can have your bed.”

I stare at my mother in horror.

“In my room?” I ask, “in my bed?”

Finally Me ~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora