Chapter 71

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**Alex’s POV**


I slump onto my bed. It’s about twelve thirty on Sunday. I thought I would be hanging out with Fred, but when I got to the shop it was so packed he only had time to say “Another time?” before having to rush off.

I sigh deeply. Another Sunday alone.

I hear the phone ring and wait for a moment, wondering if Mum will get it. It keeps ringing, so I drag myself up and jog down the hall to get it.


“Al? Hey, it’s Michael.”

“Oh, hey Mike, what’s up?”

“Not much, listen, are Mum and Dad there?”

“Uhhh, I think so, let me check the garden.”

I set the phone on the table and run to the back door. I stick my head out.





They both come walking in, brushing their muddy hands off on their pants. Mum picks up the phone.

“Hello, love, how are you? Oh, sure,” she puts the phone on speaker, “can you hear me?”

“Yeah, I can,” Michael says, “hey Dad.”

“Hello, son, how are you?”

“Good, look, I have some news,” Michael says, “Tahlia and I are getting married.”

“Oh, my!” Mum exclaims, “congratulations!”

“Thanks,” Michael says and I can hear the smile in his voice, “the next bit is the part that might scar you, Mum. We want to get married this summer, so we’re coming home next Friday, and we’ll get married Saturday in two weeks.”

“Oh, wow,” Mum says, sinking into a chair, “alright, what can we do?”

“Uh, let me get back to you,” Michael laughs, “look, I’ve got to call the others, but I’ll see you all in a week, okay?”

“Alright,” Mum says, choked up, “my little boy! Getting married!”

“I know,” Michael laughs, “Al, give her a hand getting the beds ready, will you? I don’t trust her not to cry all over them.”

“Will do,” I answer, “congratulations.”

“Thanks, Al, bye. Bye Dad, bye Mum.”

“Bye, darling.”

“See you soon, son.”

Michael disconnects the call and Mum bursts into tears. Dad’s got tears in his eyes too, so I slip into the kitchen to make them both a strong cup of tea. I haven’t met Tahlia, so I hope she’s cool. I hope she’s a good soccer player too. It’ll be nice not to be the only girl playing.

I cover my mouth to silence a squeal of excitement. I’m going to have a sister!


On Thursday I get home from work at 11 at night. There’s a dark blue car parked out the front. I walk into the lounge room and see Jason sitting there with Mum and Dad.

“Hey,” he says, “how’s it going?”

“Good,” I reply, dropping my keys in the bowl by the phone, “you?”

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