Chapter 35

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**Alex’s POV**

“Alright team, our first game is against Slytherin in only nine weeks,” Oliver says, pacing in front of us, “that means we have train harder than before.”

“Oliver, we’re the only team that’s started to practice,” Alicia points out, “and we have our OWLs this year.”

“And I have my NEWTs!” Oliver exclaims, “what’s your point?”

“Well, just that, you know, we might need to study,” Alicia suggests timidly. A nerve jumps in Oliver’s temple.

“We have the best team in the school, you said it yourself, last year,” Angelina puts in.

“Before Scarlett left!” Oliver snarls.

“Before you kicked her off, you mean?” George asks coolly. A dull blush rises in Oliver’s cheeks.

“Well, I did my best to get her back,” he points out, “anyway, Alex can do just as well, with extra training.”

Extra training?” I exclaim, “what, am I going to be training twenty-four-seven?”

“If that’s what it takes,” Oliver says, “now, everyone grab your brooms and get on the pitch!”

I trail Fred out of the changing rooms and mount my broom.

“I wish Scarlett would take my place,” I sigh.

“Don’t worry,” Fred says, “you’ll do fine.”

“Or die trying,” Oliver says, swooping past.

“No pressure,” Fred grins, tapping my arm gently with his bat as he moves away. I take a deep breath and join the other chasers.

“Alright, do some warm ups!” Oliver calls, throwing us the Quaffle.

Angelina catches it and throws it to me. I catch it and almost drop it, but I manage to clumsily throw it to Alicia. She catches it and throws it neatly to Angelina.

“Your pass needs to be tighter,” Angelina says, “pass it straight to our chest, make it strong and direct, like this.”

She passes it back to Alicia who passes it to me. I throw it to Angelina, better this time.

“Okay, let’s fly a few laps, passing back and forwards,” Oliver calls, “come on, Harry, you too! Fred, George, keep the bludgers away!”

“Yes, sir!” they call.

Two hours later we trek into the castle, completely exhausted and just in time for breakfast.

“I’m knackered,” I sigh, sinking down at the Gryffindor table and pouring myself a large mug of coffee.

“I’m ready for bed,” George agrees, “thanks goodness it’s Saturday.”

“Well, don’t you lot just look like sunshine?” Scarlett asks, sitting down opposite me.

“Shut up,” George groans.

“Aw, poor Georgie,” Scarlett says, putting one of her arms around him and nestling her chin on his shoulder.

“Do you want me to take you to bed?” she asks in a baby voice.

“I don’t think I’ve got the energy for that right now,” George smirks, “maybe later.”

Scarlett laughs and gives him a squeeze.

“I guess you’re not going to Hogsmead then?” she asks. He shakes his head.

“That’s okay, I’m going with Bryce, anyway,” Scarlett says, “I’ll catch you guys later.”

I watch her walk away and shake my head. Sometimes I sweat those two are together and other times… It’s like they barely know each other.

“Are you two ever going to get together?” I ask George.

“Me and Scarlett?” he laughs, “no chance.”

I glance at Fred who half-shrugs.

“Whatever, Georgie,” I tease. He laughs and shakes his head.

“Whatever, Allie,” he says, getting up, “I’m going to have a nap. Anyone want to join me?”

“Orgy!” Scarlett laughs, walking past with Bryce.

“I’m in,” Angelina yawns, “I never want to get out of bed again.”

“Hey, team! Practice after lunch!” Oliver calls down the table.

“Go to hell!” Angelina yells back, walking out with Alicia. Fred, George and I follow them.

“Alex!” Oliver calls, “are you doing extra training?”

“I, uh, umm,” I sigh deeply, “yeah, sure. See you after lunch.”

“Wow, you caved,” Fred says as we climb the stairs.

“Shut up,” I grumble, “I need the practice.”

“You also need the sleep,” George points out. I shrug.

“I’ll sleep as long as I can,” I sigh, climbing through the portrait hole, “see you later.”

I follow Alicia and Angelina up to the dormitory and we all strip off our Quidditch clothes and fall onto our beds. I close my eyes and take long, slow breaths. Angelina starts to snore softly. I want to sleep, but the longer I lie awake the less I feel like sleeping. After about ten minutes I roll onto my back and open my eyes. I feel physically exhausted, but mentally I’m wide awake.

I slip out of bed and pull some jeans and a tee-shirt on and walk downstairs. Fred is sitting in the common room, staring at the empty fire-grate. I sit down next to him.

“Can’t sleep, either?” I ask. He shakes his head.

“I want to sleep,” he says, “but I can’t settle my mind.”

“Me neither,” I sigh, tucking my legs up.

“It’s so frustrating,” Fred groans, “I just want to sleep!”

“Lie down,” I say, putting a pillow on my lap. Fred lies down with his head on the pillow and his feet hanging over the end of the couch.

“My mum used to do this when I was sick and couldn’t sleep,” I tell him, softly rubbing his temples, “it always helped me.”


I keep rubbing his temples and eventually his chest rises and falls slowly and deeply.

“Hey Fred,” I say quietly, so he can’t hear, “I like you… I mean, I like-like you.”


The next two chapters are super exciting! Just sayin' ;)

Finally Me ~Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα