03: Jealous Much? (part two)

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Previously, on "Jealous Much?"...

"I know how to find out if Nico likes you back or not!" He said excitedly. "Seriously? That's why you went all crazy and almost gave me whiplash?" You yelped.

"Don't act like you're not thrilled!" He exclaimed.

"Okay, okay fine. Anyway, what's your idea?" You grinned.

"We make Nico di Angelo, Nico di Anjealous."

~(Y/n)'s POV~

"Nico di Anjealous? Really, dude? Kudos for the wordplay, but how are we supposed to make him jealous?" You interrogated.

Alabaster rolled his eyes. "I was getting to that. So you know how I'm a guy, right?" He said very seriously.

"I've noticed...?" you raised an eyebrow at him.

"Okay, so when he comes back to camp, we act like super close buds, which we already are, but like, to the point where he thinks we're dating. And-" you cut him off. "Wait a second, what?" You shrieked.

"C'mon please, (Y/n)? I want you to have a happy ending with this guy," he begged. You sighed. He was being really sweet right now. "Fine."

He pumped his fist in the air. "Yes! Okay here's the plan..."

-Three days later-

~Nico's POV~

I arrived back to Camp Half Blood. When I had Iris Messaged (Y/n) a couple hours ago, telling her that I would be back soon, I noticed that she acted different than her usual self. I shook it off, since it was probably nothing.

I shadow traveled to Thalia's pine tree, where (Y/n) and I always met when I would come back from a trip to the Underworld. I looked around, Huh, she's usually here waiting for me by now, I thought.

I went over to the Big House to inform Chiron that I was back, but on the way there, I spotted (Y/n) in the commons area near the cabins.

A guy had an arm around her shoulders. Wait, what? A guy had an arm around her shoulders.

I felt my fists clench. I was getting angry. Then I wondered why I was angry. She should be able to hang out with whoever she wants...right? No.

~(Y/n)'s POV~

The plan was underway.

Percy and Jason (who were hiding in bushes near the camp entrance) just walkie-talkied you both that Nico was here.

Percy spoke through his walkie-talkie, "Come in, Eagle. We have spotted the target. Over."

"Operation: Nico di Anjelly is a go. Over," said Jason through his walkie-talkie.

"Copy that. Phase one is complete. Over," you said into your walkie-talkie.

The plan involved you not showing up to Thalia's tree, be spotted with Al, get Nico to admit he liked you, and boom. Happily ever after.

Al quickly wrapped his arm around you and pretended to watch the Demeter and Apollo kids play volleyball. You both laughed and talked and acted like a happy couple. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Nico come into the clearing.

He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw you and Alabaster. You saw his fists clench.

You whispered to Al, since Neeks was too far away to hear you, "It's working!" You squealed and he squealed too.

You did your 'super awesome secret handshake' forgetting that Nico was still there watching you guys.

"Oh shoot, he's still there," Al whispered and composed himself.

Then, all of a sudden, Nico marched right up to you, grabbed your hand, said very angrily, "Mind if I steal her for a sec?" And then without even waiting for an answer, violently pulled you away from Al.

Once you both were out of earshot, he shoved his hands in his pockets and started talking.

"So," he cleared his throat, "who was that?" He asked awkwardly. You had to act dumb for the plan to work.

You put on a confused face. "Umm, you mean Alabaster?"

"Is he your boyfriend?"

"No, why?"

"(Y/n), I want you to stay away from him," he said slowly.

You tried to hold back a smile, but failed and grinned anyway. "Do I detect jealousy from the Nico department?"

He stayed silent for a second. "No, I just...wait a second, you set me up."

You nodded. "Yup. That was the plan," you smiled.

He chuckled and shook his head. "Well played. So does this mean you like me?"

"That depends. Do you like me?" You questioned.

"Does this answer your question?" He breathed.

He leaned in to kiss you.

"Whoa! Hold on! At least take me out to dinner first!" You yelped while backing up.

He laughed. "Fair enough. How's tomorrow night at 6?"

Sooo how was that? I feel like there was more Alabaster x Reader than Nico x Reader in that one...comment to reassure me lol. Thanks for reading! This thing was almost 800 words. Wow.

Anyway, yours in demigodishness and all that. Peace out ;) -latersatyr

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