05: Sick

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~(Y/n)'s POV~

"Nico, you're sick, just accept it. You have a fever," you argued. At the moment, you were in the Hades cabin, trying to get Nico's stubborn butt out of his bed and into the infirmary.

"No, I'm not, it's just a small headache," he lied.

"You are 104° degrees. Talk all you want, but 104° degrees is not natural," you sighed and crossed your arms. He smirked and crossed his arms, mocking you.

"Nico freaking di Angelo, get your butt to the infirmary or else I'll kick it there," you growled.

His cocky grin faltered. "Yes ma'am," he gulped and got up.

You smiled and patted him on the back. "Good boy."

He rolled his eyes and allowed you to walk him to the infirmary. Once you arrived, you sat him on one of the beds, and searched the cabinets for some medicine.

"Here, Nico, take this."

He snapped his head up to look at what you were handing him. "Whoa there, (Y/n). The deal was that I go to the infirmary. You never mentioned anything about medicine," he reported.

"You're not gonna get better unless you take it. And plus, you already ate too much ambrosia and nectar, so you might disintigrate if you eat any more," you insisted.

"But it tastes bad!" He whined. You glared at him.

"Fine, but only if I get something in return," he grinned.

You hesitated. "Um, okay what is it?"

He smirked and pointed to his lips.

You chuckled at his cheekiness. "Deal, but medicine first."

He nodded and gulped down the medicine, making a disgusted face at the taste. "Okay, now I think you owe me something, (Y/n)?" He smiled.

You laughed and leaned in, giving him a short kiss on the lips.

"Bleh! The medicine does taste disgusting!" You cried.

"Wanna say you're sorry?" Nico hinted.

"In your dreams."

Nico di Angelo x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now