Chapter 7

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*Janice Pov*

"Where is he?" I asked out loud still calling his number.

It is the first day of our stay in Switzerland, and he is missing from the morning when I woke up.

And now it is evening, but still he is outside somewhere not lifting his phone at all. I am scared here not knowing what to even do.

What if something happened to him? I thought and immediately gasped scolding myself.

That cannot happen at all. I just hope he is fine, and if he doesn't lift his phone in ten minutes, then I will go to the police.

Then I heard the door opening and saw him entering the room with a big smile. I frowned and walked towards him.

"Where were you?" I asked him sighing in relief that he was fine.

"Just went to a few places." He replied still smiling.

"I was so scared David. I was waiting for you, and you didn't even lift your phone." I said and sat on the bed.

"I put it in silent mode so that no one disturbs me when I am enjoying." He said and now I again frowned.

"Enjoying?" I asked him confused.

"Yeah! They were so many cool places and I kind of went to only few of them. But for remaining I will go tomorrow and within this one week, I will cover up all." He replied and started checking his camera.

"We! We are supposed to Rome together." I said, folding my arms having a bad feeling inside.

"You can go and do the shopping wherever you want. And the places I want to go are not in the interest to you, I guess." He said shrugging.

"If I don't try, then how can I know it is not at all in my interest?" I asked him frowning.

"Did you ever go to Pub?" he asked raising his eyebrow.

I shook my head in the negative. Then he went on asking about a different type of places and for all I shook my head.

The only things I went are for amusement parks and stuff and even a movie theatre, but that's all.

"See, that's why I went alone. I want to enjoy this holiday as much as I can. I don't want to be dragged back." He said walking inside the washroom to freshen up while I tried not to let his words hurt me.

I have already fallen for him, and now he doesn't even care about me. No Janice! You can't let him do anything like this, so take a stand.

"I will come with you tomorrow." I said when he walked outside.

He stared at me for a few minutes and finally sighed saying, "Ok! But if you even tried to pull me back, then you are not allowed."

He talked like some instructor in any important places. What have I got myself into?

"David!" I called for him, but he can't hear me at all.

He is on the dance floor while I am sitting in a booth drinking my juice. I want to go to some washroom, but he is not able to hear me.

I got up and walked towards the washroom holding my purse and when I walked outside I saw that David is walking to the entrance of the club.

I rushed near him and held his hand because of which he turned back to look at me with a frown.

"You are still here? I thought you already left." He said, and we both walked outside.

"Were you worried?" I asked him smiling.

"No! I got tired and decided to go to hotel. I thought you must be already in the hotel or something." He replied shrugging.

"Let's go for a small walk." I said ignoring his words.

"Like I said I am tired, and I want to go to sleep." He said, shaking his head and we both got in the taxi.

It's been three days since we are here, but still he cares only about the places he can see and sadly for him, I will be there with him.

When will our lives take a turn? Until when should I wait for him in the first place?

Did he forget her? Should I make a mistake by asking him about her? However, I really want to know what is in his heart.

"Did you forget Parul?" I asked when we entered the room.

"Yeah!" he replied, shrugging and walked inside the washroom.

Maybe for now I should be happy with this piece of information. Just maybe...

*Adithya Pov*

"Come on, Parul! Let's go to the beach." I said shaking her.

"No! I will get too much tan and I don't want it." She said turning away.

"You can apply lotion, Parul. I have planned so much, and the week is very little time for that." I said shaking her more.

"Fine! But if I don't like the day, then we will go for shopping." She said getting up.

"Ok!" I said confidently because I know she will enjoy it. I mean who doesn't enjoy.

"Eww... the sand is sticking so much." She said within a few minutes, we reached the beach.

"You are on a cloth. The sand will not stick." I said, shaking my head.

"We should have booked one of those seats." She said looking at those chairs on the beach.

"Parul! They are saying the cost too much. Let's just enjoy and forget about the sand." I said holding her hand.

"There is only send around us for forgetting about it." She said, leaving my hand and walked into the water, and I followed her.

At the end of the day, she said only one thing "I didn't like it at all."

I sighed, closing my eyes and calmly said, "Let's go to the shopping for tomorrow, and then we will see about the next day."

"Thank you." She said walking inside the washroom.

"Let's go to that shop." She said, dragging me along with her.

"That is too costly Parul and what is the need of it." I said when she picked an item.

"Well, it is looking new, and I want to buy it." She said shrugging.

"Ok!" I said, and she bought it.

This is going to be a long holiday. What should I even do to make her understand what am I saying?

I never thought married life would be this difficult even after doing everything I can. I rubbed my forehead while she bought the remaining much stuff.

When will she even move on? Whenever I tried to move near her, she just walks away completely.

The next day I tried to take her to some places, but she wanted to do her own shopping again.

This is far from how I planned. I thought we would have some alone time, but not the time together in some market.

"Did you forgot David?" I asked her directly.

"Yeah!" She replied, shrugging.

"Truly? I want only honesty Parul. I don't want another lie." I said in a serious tone.

"Adithya! Just forget about him and see what have I bought for my few friends." She said ignoring my words and I sighed.

Maybe she really did forget him. Just maybe...


dont worry guys i know these both david and parul are giving headache... but this will be over soon and the love story will start soon... or thats what i think ;)

How is the chap guys?

comment plz and vote....

ps-thanks for support...

New Beginning!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora