The Relationship

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Don't give me pity and please leave me be.

Alcoholics, addicts, abusive, abject, absurd,

All men are the same, dear,

So tell me: why should I adjudicate you different?


You may doubt the crocodile tears,

You may doubt your glass of wine,

But don't hate – it shields not the love I have for you.

If you've seen all bad isn't good what's left?


Surely – surely you are mad to desire me.

Sadists, satyr, skittish, sly, shallow,

All men are the same, dear,

So tell me: why should I judge you as different?


You may doubt the words I speak,

You may doubt the mask I wear,

But don't sore – they protect me and my love for you.

In the dead of the night, aren't we two of a kind?


There is no such thing as love.

Vandals, violent, vindictive, volatile, vulgar,

All men are the same, dear,

So tell me: why should I think of you differently?


You may doubt the weakness I bear,

You may doubt the things you did,

But don't worry – every step down will take me higher.

In the sunset, aren't our shades bigger than ourselves?


Let's assume I believe you.

Loyal, loquacious, lively, lucid, ludicrous,

All men are the same, dear,

So tell me: how are you any different?


You may doubt your mother,

You may doubt your father,

But don't fret – love can set you free.

Can you try and receive mine?


Love has no place in this shattered heart.

Beloved, benevolent, bewitching, bold, burden,

All men are the same, dear,

So tell me: won't you love someone different?


You may doubt my persona,

You may doubt yourself,

But don't disquiet – the love one gives is far superior.

With that being said, can you try and love me back?


I vow to try but not to fully love.

Hadit been so, I wouldn't be me.

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