Chapter 1

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Everybody tells them.

Parents, students, teachers, colleagues, and officials do it.

Even her, she lied.

Mainly to avoid certain situations, much like the one she was in now.

But there would be no avoiding or lying to Jack Crawford. He was a stubborn, bullheaded man. She knew it the moment she shook his hand and greeted him.

The friend who she watched graduate on to the FBI without her, introduced them.

Jack promised to give her a call if he ever needs her as a consultant. To him, her special talent would be useful at some point in time.

She never thought he would actually call her though.

Yet here she stood in Wolf Trap, Virginia. To here, all the way from Kansas, standing outside her new home.

Only one house next door, and probably not another for miles.

Whoever lived next door had a herd of dogs running around their yard, barking up a storm.

She sighed turned off the ignition of her car and stepped out onto the lawn to look up at the small two-story house.

She took the house key from her pocket, slightly gripping the papers in her hand before stepping inside.

The house was a mess, dry leaves and dirt covered the hardwood floor and the carpet in the living room. She first stepped into the kitchen and tried the tap, where it sputtered and dark water choked out of it.

She gagged at the smell and hurriedly turned the knob.

"Suppose I won't be having a shower tonight." She sighed tiredly.

She went back to the living room, stopping in front of the fireplace and looked under it.

The damper was closed from what she could see and deciding she would like to be warm tonight, she pulled the dampers handle and black soot poured out.

Onto her, her clothes and the already burned and char stained area in front of the fireplace.

She took a tissue from her pocket in hopes of fixing the mess she made of herself.

She fumbled a bit as the room got darker with the day, to find a light switch, which she flipped to find no electricity.

No water, no heat, and no light.

The heat she could fix, she pulled her gloves back on and stepped out into the chilly air, she would have to break branches and gather some dry leaves before the night grew any colder, to have a fire.

She spent a good thirty minutes breaking already dry, dead branches, that broke off easily in her hand, from trees nearby. Finding a few slightly less damp chunks of wood on the way back. As she was stepping away from the tree line she noticed a car was pulled into the neighbor's driveway. The lights were on and a man stood outside letting his dogs enjoy the outdoors a few more minutes before going in.

The dark curly-haired man, from what she could see, stood there a few more seconds, let out a deep sigh and stepped inside with his dogs trailing close behind.

She soon did the same, she liked the cold seasons, but her body didn't much enjoy the cold that caused her to shiver and her teeth to chatter.

After fighting with some matches and damp sticks, a fire eventually took and she huddled near it to put the warmth back in her body. It wasn't long before she drifted off into an uncomfortable sleep.

With how her day had gone, it couldn't get any worse, could it?


Okay, first chapter.

I hope you enjoyed!

I also hope you like the song, for me it goes to the story.

By the way, the story doesn't fully follow the timeline of the TV show.

Please leave a comment to tell me what you think and if I should continue on.

Thank You For Reading.

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