Chapter 13

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*Warning* for dark line of thinking

Grace had at last settled in her seat; in fifteen minutes the plane would be ready for take-off.

She couldn't help but giggle as Hannibal struggled with putting their luggage in the overhead compartment.

"Is something funny?" Hannibal quirked an eyebrow. He held a serious face to help mask the humor he also found in the situation.

"Oh nothing, nothing." She waved him off.

Hannibal after a few more minutes of struggle, settled next to Grace. He couldn't help but watch her from the corner of his eye. Grace seemed unfazed by the situation. Maybe the seizure had caused more issues with her memory than he initially thought, not just the drugs. She remembered having the drink but lost almost thirty minutes prior to it.

He saw no history of seizures in her medical files but, he couldn't shake the feeling that this would not be the only incident. Something was wrong with her and it made her as interesting as Will. He couldn't wait to get to the bottom of it... in a sick way, he thought he may like to make it worse. He shuddered as the thought popped up in his head.

"You cold?" Grace's gentle voice brought him back to reality.

"No, I'm fine." He pulled a jacket from his side. "I have this." He gave a small smile.

As the plane began its ascent Grace had clutched Hannibal's hand and shut her eyes tightly. Her body was completely stiff and didn't relax until they were safely in the air. She let go of his hand immediately after. 

"Have you been on a plane before?" Hannibal asked shifting in his seat to look at her.

"Once or twice. Hate it every time." She laughed.

"Take off is the most uncomfortable, the rest should be smooth sailing with a bit of turbulence." Hannibal chuckled.

It wasn't long before Grace had opted to sleep the rest of the flight. Hannibal watched her face closely for a bit. Her peaceful expression put him at ease for the time being.

"That your wife?" He looked up to a stewardess. 

"No, no. Just a colleague." He gave a tight grin and looked away.

"Oh... Would you like a drink, sir?"

"Yes, thank you." He picked a sprite and was grateful when she continued her way down the aisle. 

Hannibal turned his attention back to Grace's sleeping face.

His wife?

Her words echoed in his head slightly. He couldn't help the tug in his stomach at the thought. He quickly shoved that down deep and shifted his attention elsewhere.  

This time his thoughts wandered again to that night. His hands covered in blood and he had ruined a perfectly good pair of pants. These two were costing him several sets of clothes... at least two suits and two sets of casual clothing. 

He sighed, he was trying to distract himself again.

But he still went back to the thought of his fists pounding into that man's face and Will trying to pull him off. He could feel the rage bubbling up in his stomach replacing the former feeling. He cracked his knuckles and reached for his drink. Hannibal would have liked to have killed him... feed him to Grace, make that bastard pay his penance to her. 

Hannibal was having a hard time controlling himself not just now, but also then. He never lost his temper, he liked to think he was fairly level headed and calculated. Grace was making his facade unravel slightly. The image of her face contorted in horror as beat the living shit out of that guy was clear as day in his mind. 

What was it she was going to say before she fainted? He wanted to know but also felt he didn't. Was it about him? Couldn't have been. He'd love to pry for all the information she had that night, every thought and feeling. He'd let her come to him for now though. He didn't want to her remember him in such a violent state, not yet.

All his thoughts came on in small waves, a clustered mess. He leaned back as much as he could, though the seats offered very little room for him. He tried closing his eyes but his mind was still racing. Hannibal felt slightly sick.

He couldn't help the darkness that was trying to seep its way through his mind. He really wanted to hurt Grace for whatever reason. He promised he wouldn't and he won't. But, maybe just maybe, he could break her down and build her back up. Fix her.

No, he did not want that either. Grace would not be Grace that way. For once he settled on letting things be. Leave her be with little interference, maybe only interfere with things around her. 

He was tired and he knew that this was affecting his thought process. Making it jumbled up and nonsensical. He hadn't slept since they had arrived there. He couldn't wait to be home in his own bed, in his own kitchen. What was he going to eat? He could make something after some sleep and take something to Grace later.

He'd decide later. The last thought before he, at last, drifted off next to Grace. 

Hannibal woke as the plane began its descent. Once on the ground, he placed a hand gently on Grace's arm. She jolted awake taking him by surprise. He placed his hands on her shoulders and waited for her to ground herself in reality.

"You're okay, Grace." He squeezed slightly. "We've landed, it's time to go."

"Right, right." She stood and gathered her things as Hannibal grabbed their luggage.

They stood outside waiting for a free cab. It seemed like forever to the two before one had finally noticed. Hannibal was close to calling one as he had just pulled out his phone.

Hannibal gave the driver the address to his office where he had left his car. He had stopped Grace from offering an address, he had already determined that he would take her home.

They had sat in silence for several minutes.

"Thank you, for all of this." Grace had almost forgotten her manners.

Hannibal, grateful for the acknowledgment, nodded. "Anytime. Hopefully, next time will be a bit more fun." 

Grace couldn't help but laugh. Hannibal was funny when he was tired and seemed more lax. His messy hair oddly fit him well. She wondered if she would ever see him like this again, but doubted it greatly. She still preferred his uptight and formal attire.

"For now though, I can't wait to be home." Hannibal chuckled.

"Ditto. I miss my bed."

"A good night's sleep will have us good as new." He hoped to never be this tired again for a long time.

Author's Note:

I'll probably be back to edit this a bit. Sorry for how long this took me! Hope you enjoyed seeing a slightly different side of Hannibal. I'll try to write another chapter soon!

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